Funky Farmer
I'm watching a proggy on the community channel about a Gypsy caravan museum. They knew all about the best use of space. If it repeats well worth a look.
Chn 539
Chn 539
Gypsies and narrow boat people raised hordes of kids in a space which we wouldn't even consider if we were looking for a boat or motorhome, but are things any better, or is it just that we live more cluttered lives. Both gypsies and boat people lived far more closely with nature, getting food where they could find it and not needing to carry more equipment than they needed. The travelling community were far more community oriented than most people are today, and children had jobs to do, in the same way that children have in the third world today.
Children of both communities might not be able to read or write, until education for the travelling community got better, but they knew how to set a snare for rabbits or hares, or knock a pheasant out of a tree, skills that the mainstream society forgot when they started farming in the Neolithic period. Hunting and gathering are both skills which would once have been second nature to everyone, but with a few exceptions have now become trendy, pushed by middle and upper class authors and TV chefs as though hunting and gathering involves new skills that they are suddenly experts at.
If you fancy a good read round the campfire, or on those rainy days when you are stuck in the van, I can recommend 'Kenzie the Wild Goose Man', by Colin Willock and if you are interested, type in Jack Hargreaves on You Tube.
That brings back memories of Colin Willock writing in the Angling Times, and I used to love Jack Hargreaves on the Out of Town programme on Meridian TV.
Learned a lot from both of them.
heres one for anyone that wants to tug a camper
Gregs Gypsy Bowtop Caravans - Home i like these .not so keen on the price but like the concept .
heres one for anyone that wants to tug a camper
Gregs Gypsy Bowtop Caravans - Home i like these .not so keen on the price but like the concept .
hi pink .there are several truck conversions out there that would love to have it done . dont think the pay would be high though . i keep thinking of doing some pinlinning or something on mine .i quite like the fairground gypsy look. .think there may be a few teardrops as well that would love it as well. you will have to get out on the road .bet you could exist if you had to. i take it you are into that sort of work?
hi. you will soon get into it . i have kept the house so summer is here .in winter its off to warmer .drier climates . we do tend to have lots of alternative travellers as friends . mind lots of very expensive trucks owned german couples are getting alsorts done to be different. might start or restart the craze.