

Hi All,

Looking for advice here, I feel bad as its nowhere near as bad as locksmiths sad story (although I'm pleased with his happier ending)

I basically lent my Bro the money to buy a camper which he planned to use to tour with as he's a singer/songwriter but it worked out too expensive for him to use (poor research) I've now taken the van on which came with a full MOT done in July, I noticed blowing form the exhaust which caused me to have a look undernesth where I found to my horror that one of the sills had been repaired but not in my opinion properly, it was not welded but has had a new panel bolted through the existing rusted sill. The exhaust is also completely rusted and all bar one of the supports has come away from the bottom of the van due to rust.:(

I don't feel that the van should have passed the MOT in this state, especially without any adviory notes. I have spoken to VOSA who will re-inspect and then investigate if my thoughts are confirmed but i'm then worried about losing monies (although I couldn't sell on without being honest so will lose anyway)

At present I do not wish to name the garage as my Brother is going to visit them to give them the option of doing the right thing (repairs or buy back) and am asking basically if there are other options available to me.

The van is a 1986 traffic t1000 so I expect some rust underneath but would expect repairs to be conducted properly especially when purchased from a dealer. Just a thought does anyone know if the sills on these are structural:confused:, this was to be my first weekend in the van but I don't feel safe using it at present.

Thanks for reading guys, any advice appreciated. I have been after a van for a while now and am pissed at myself more than anyone cause I should have known what my little bro's like, he see's he wants, he buys:rolleyes:
Hi Tecka and welcome.

Sills must be welded. This has been the ruling for many years.

You will need to contact Trading Standards as soon as possible, although you did the right thing in contacting VOSA. They will possibly take away the right to do MOT`s but that will not help your cause directly.

Trading Standards will take you through the complaints process and give you legal guidelines.

VOSA will go over your van with a fine toothcomb and the slightest fault will be picked up. They could declare the vehicle unroadworthy at the point of sale. This could help you in the legal sense but might leave you with a lemon on your hands. That is why you need legal help.

I hope it works out OK for you. If you have a battle with the garage, name and shame them.
Sills must be welded. This has been the ruling for many years.

You will need to contact Trading Standards as soon as possible, although you did the right thing in contacting VOSA. They will possibly take away the right to do MOT`s but that will not help your cause directly.

Cheers Maingate,

I thought this was the way to go, but It's good to get comfirmation, I was shocked when I saw bolted on sills, VOSA were very helpful and also told me that Trading standards needed to be contacted and that all VOSA could do was supply proof of dodgy certification and provide evrything but official representation. In fact I was very impressed by the detail and help that VOSA gave, and the girls silence when I mentioned bolted sills spoke volumes to me.

If you have a battle with the garage, name and shame them

I will do if they play me around, I'd rather give them the chance to do the right thing first. They won't like me if they insist on the Trading Standards route as once my teeth are in I don't like to let go.

welded sills is not strickly true..As some vehicles have a bolted on cover over the sills or jusy bolted on sills..rover p6 and landrover defender are both bolted on sills.....
your trafic has welded sills which are structural and when they rust which they do badly the doors usually drop as it makes the door pillar drop..
like you say take it back and if no joy mention your next stop is trading standards and vosa...

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