Guess where this is ?


I' ll give you a clue: It is a ferryport near the most southern point of this country, where they speak a germanic language. The palmes are in full ground !
I' ll give you a clue: It is a ferryport near the most southern point of this country, where they speak a germanic language. The palmes are in full ground !

Is the place VENEZIA
A little bit wrong Cipro (at least 3000km) :eek:
Det är i Sverige :confused:
My turn, My turn ......................... :cool:
it's ...................................:p
er ............................ :(
Only snag is......are those palms plastic??:confused::confused:
My turn, My turn ......................... :cool:
it's ...................................
er ............................ :(
Only snag is......are those palms plastic

Yes it is Jim , it's the 'boulevard' of Trelleborg ! :cool:
And those palms are real and in full ground, not in a bin or basket. I did'nt believe it at first. But it seems there is a microclimate with mediteranean summers and not so frosty winters. Go north to see palmtrees :confused: On the Swedish island of Öland we once saw camels, and we where not at the booze,(too expensive overthere :eek:)
I' ll give you a clue: It is a ferryport near the most southern point of this country, where they speak a germanic language. The palmes are in full ground !

Is the place VENEZIA
Judging from the road signs and the vehicle registration numbers I can say that I have no idea.
Sorry mates, it was a little sneaky of me to post it so small you could see the road signs :rolleyes::cool:
And yes these are Swedish palmtrees :eek:
I must admit that I thought of using the roadsigns :confused: but that was being a bit sneaky!! :p I found an even sneakier way! :rolleyes: NOT the number plates either! :eek: JIM.
Jim was your sneaky method looking at the photobucket address?

Jim was your sneaky method looking at the photobucket address?


Stupid me :rolleyes: He got me :eek: (please don't take this personal Jim :eek:)
Blast it PaulC!!!!! :p:p I was hoping to get another couple done :confused: before anyone found me out! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I must admit it was only by accident that I found it,.......... honest! :cool: I just rt clicked the photo and saved photo and it appeared in 'My Pictures' with the caption 'Trelleborg'.
"Aye aye," thinks me "I wonder................" :D :D I supose my first prize is now out of the question, Leo?? :eek: :eek: JIM

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