I' ll give you a clue: It is a ferryport near the most southern point of this country, where they speak a germanic language. The palmes are in full ground !

I' ll give you a clue: It is a ferryport near the most southern point of this country, where they speak a germanic language. The palmes are in full ground !
Is the place VENEZIA
My turn, My turn .........................
it's ...................................
er ............................
Only snag is......are those palms plastic
Hi,I' ll give you a clue: It is a ferryport near the most southern point of this country, where they speak a germanic language. The palmes are in full ground !
Is the place VENEZIA
Judging from the road signs and the vehicle registration numbers I can say that I have no idea.
OOps, I was preceeded by someone who could read the road signsHi,
Judging from the road signs and the vehicle registration numbers I can say that I have no idea.
Jim was your sneaky method looking at the photobucket address?