here's a thought for you
looking through old posts I see that on the 20th dec 2007
there were 2,670 registered members
today 12th jan 2008 there are 2,740
that means 70 new members have joined in just 23 days
thats a phenominal growth rate
well done admin, and all you guys who make this site what it is
give yourselves a pat on the back
and in the last half hour the membership has risen to 2,742
looking through old posts I see that on the 20th dec 2007
there were 2,670 registered members
today 12th jan 2008 there are 2,740
that means 70 new members have joined in just 23 days
thats a phenominal growth rate
well done admin, and all you guys who make this site what it is
give yourselves a pat on the back
and in the last half hour the membership has risen to 2,742
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