Wednesday 25th May ‘05
Blod is packed. All the gear we need for the week is now on board and the wedding gear too. There is now no room for us.
The plan is to leave about midnight and trundle north, reaching Gretna in the morning and picking up the schedule from the offices in Gretna, then recce the Blacksmiths for photo locations, check out the route to and from the campsite and then book in to meet the others.
The last minute hitches are sorted. My best man is replaced. Several last minute offers of a lift for him have been replied to but the hospital is keeping him in overnight after the tests because he has a tendency to a collapsed lung. Thanks to all of you who made the offers even though.
At 10pm I suddenly realise that all the local garages close at 11.o’clock and I have enough fuel for only 40 miles. Oops. So it’s pile into the van and off.
We are trundling off at a steady 45 mph. We took the bottom road from here and across the new bridge at Fflint [Kirsty’s Bridge] and along the 56 to Warrington. At Warrington we loaded up. The Tesco store is 24hrs but it looked like a battlefield when I was there. Michelle brewed the first coffee while I went round.
Now with a full load of food and fuel [61.9] we were off properly and headed off up the M6. There was very little traffic, which is why I prefer to travel at night. A steady 50 mph and no hold ups gives the best mpg. That was when my exhaust started to get a little noisy, which normally means one nut has come loose again.
We saw the sun come up at Tebay services; one of the nicest services anywhere in the country and it certainly has the best views. We had a couple of hours sleep here and then continued on to Gretna, arriving at 8 and parking in the Gretna Gateway shopping village where we had breakfast.
Now the scary bit started. We walked into Gretna town centre to do the paperwork. We had sent them all the essential stuff, my divorce and birth certificates and Michelle’s birth certificate but we had to appear in person for the schedule and the talk. We, of course, picked the staff-training day so it didn’t open till 10 and we were an hour early so we just sat in the sun [yes real sunshine] until it opened.
We chatted with some locals and they were very friendly. The staff in the office were also friendly and helpful and had everything sorted very quickly. We were out of there in 20 minutes with all we needed and the instructions firmly implanted so now it was time to recce the route we would take early Saturday.
In 5 minutes we were at the blacksmiths centre and Michelle had a wander to see where she wanted photo’s taken and it was my turn to brew up. There were 2 other vans there and I took a nice photo of us all and invited them to join us on Saturday. None of them were members of MHF, Wildcamping or Bedford cf clubs
The next job was to recce the route and we drove out and off to the campsite. It was no problem at all, the B road was in good condition and, apart from one bump that managed to dislodge most of our carefully put away stuff and dump it on the floor, was not going to give a problem.
We pulled into a campsite to be greeted by an elderly lady who said I'm fully booked. Her face fell a little when we said we knew as we had booked. The ex ambulance thing I suppose. We paid up and she explained that because of the weather she was putting us in the car park. The ground was sodden and squishy. I was just parking and saw Cyril [Bedford cf club] following us in. He had the same reception. In ten minutes we had parked up and got the kettle on and were having a good chinwag with Cyril and Sylv.
Cyril had a nasty moment. He came in with a flat tyre on his rear twin wheel and managed to knock himself silly with the tyre lever changing it. But apart from some blood and a couple of cuts there was no lasting damage…. To the tyre lever.
I have to say at this point that we are very grateful to these two, especially Sylv. She did the flowers for us as a prezzie and when we said we were not having a cake because we were having the ceilidh in a field, well, she would not let us get away with that and phoned us to tell us she and her daughter had made one and we were going to have one.
Sylv said she was not a professional and the flowers would not be as good as a shop. That is the first time she has not told the truth. They are fabulous.
Anyway, we had a pleasant evening with others coming in over the next few hours and the following day.
Andy Ross from Canterbury, Kent and Graham and Debbie from Weymouth were the longest travellers. Jo Rose from Liverpool, Solar John and Angie from Shrewsbury, all cf er’s. Then my cousin from Llandysul in West Wales in his nice Pilote ‘A’ class and Cassie with her ‘Big Bertha’ from Wildcampers joined us, Cassie joined us late on Friday night and missed the Hen And Stag nights unfortunately.
On Friday I had to go into Carlisle to pick up my daughter and family who were coming up from Milton Keynes by train. Cyril volunteered to take me, as he had to go shopping so off we went with his van popping and banging.
Thank heavens for Graham who got the tools out when we returned and sorted out his plugs and points.
Solar John went underneath mine to see where the noise was coming from and it turned out to be the pipe connection to the manifold. One bolt had sheared and the other was loose and was so corroded that there was no chance of nipping it up.
My son in law set up his tent while I got re-acquainted with the kids. Ellie, my daughter, disappeared with the women for the hen party organisation.
The campsite was pleasant and quiet [except for the engines being worked on] but far from full. I wasn’t so quiet after the kids arrived for their very first experience of camping but they did settle down after a while.
I can’t tell you much about the Hen night so I will hand over to Michelle for that.
Hen Night by Michelle
Joe said I had to have a hen night, so we all get some nibbles and descended on Joe about 6 o’clock. We sat and had a few drinks and played tumble. Where you have to take out blocks without it falling down. Joe had gone over to video the stag night when Angie broke through Joe’s bed so we sent Kirsty over to the Stag lot to get stuff to repair it. Unfortunately they had nothing and she finished up sleeping on a blow up mattress. Joe had bought fortune cookies and we opened those in turn with me going first. Mine said “you’re future will be bright”.
We left to go to bed about 10 o’clock. Sober, but after a lot of laughing. I stayed in Joe’s van.
Stag night
Not very exciting I'm afraid. Cyril had heard that it was customary to have a stripper at a Stag night so he volunteered to take his clothes off. We declined. I don’t think he’s quite got the hang of stag nights. We just sat in Blod and had a beer or two and chatted, mainly about vans and wild spots. Then a few jokes and an early bed. Not the stuff of legends. Well, I did have a late shower. I didn’t think I would have time in the morning.
Saturday 28th May 2005
The alarm woke me at 7.30 and I got Kirsty up. Gave her, Ellie, Lee and the kids bacon and egg butties for breakfast. Packed everything up and loaded the van.
At 9am I led the convoy out from the campsite to the Famous Old Blacksmith’s shop, Gretna Green.
Part 2 coming
Blod is packed. All the gear we need for the week is now on board and the wedding gear too. There is now no room for us.
The plan is to leave about midnight and trundle north, reaching Gretna in the morning and picking up the schedule from the offices in Gretna, then recce the Blacksmiths for photo locations, check out the route to and from the campsite and then book in to meet the others.
The last minute hitches are sorted. My best man is replaced. Several last minute offers of a lift for him have been replied to but the hospital is keeping him in overnight after the tests because he has a tendency to a collapsed lung. Thanks to all of you who made the offers even though.
At 10pm I suddenly realise that all the local garages close at 11.o’clock and I have enough fuel for only 40 miles. Oops. So it’s pile into the van and off.
We are trundling off at a steady 45 mph. We took the bottom road from here and across the new bridge at Fflint [Kirsty’s Bridge] and along the 56 to Warrington. At Warrington we loaded up. The Tesco store is 24hrs but it looked like a battlefield when I was there. Michelle brewed the first coffee while I went round.
Now with a full load of food and fuel [61.9] we were off properly and headed off up the M6. There was very little traffic, which is why I prefer to travel at night. A steady 50 mph and no hold ups gives the best mpg. That was when my exhaust started to get a little noisy, which normally means one nut has come loose again.
We saw the sun come up at Tebay services; one of the nicest services anywhere in the country and it certainly has the best views. We had a couple of hours sleep here and then continued on to Gretna, arriving at 8 and parking in the Gretna Gateway shopping village where we had breakfast.
Now the scary bit started. We walked into Gretna town centre to do the paperwork. We had sent them all the essential stuff, my divorce and birth certificates and Michelle’s birth certificate but we had to appear in person for the schedule and the talk. We, of course, picked the staff-training day so it didn’t open till 10 and we were an hour early so we just sat in the sun [yes real sunshine] until it opened.
We chatted with some locals and they were very friendly. The staff in the office were also friendly and helpful and had everything sorted very quickly. We were out of there in 20 minutes with all we needed and the instructions firmly implanted so now it was time to recce the route we would take early Saturday.
In 5 minutes we were at the blacksmiths centre and Michelle had a wander to see where she wanted photo’s taken and it was my turn to brew up. There were 2 other vans there and I took a nice photo of us all and invited them to join us on Saturday. None of them were members of MHF, Wildcamping or Bedford cf clubs
The next job was to recce the route and we drove out and off to the campsite. It was no problem at all, the B road was in good condition and, apart from one bump that managed to dislodge most of our carefully put away stuff and dump it on the floor, was not going to give a problem.
We pulled into a campsite to be greeted by an elderly lady who said I'm fully booked. Her face fell a little when we said we knew as we had booked. The ex ambulance thing I suppose. We paid up and she explained that because of the weather she was putting us in the car park. The ground was sodden and squishy. I was just parking and saw Cyril [Bedford cf club] following us in. He had the same reception. In ten minutes we had parked up and got the kettle on and were having a good chinwag with Cyril and Sylv.
Cyril had a nasty moment. He came in with a flat tyre on his rear twin wheel and managed to knock himself silly with the tyre lever changing it. But apart from some blood and a couple of cuts there was no lasting damage…. To the tyre lever.
I have to say at this point that we are very grateful to these two, especially Sylv. She did the flowers for us as a prezzie and when we said we were not having a cake because we were having the ceilidh in a field, well, she would not let us get away with that and phoned us to tell us she and her daughter had made one and we were going to have one.
Sylv said she was not a professional and the flowers would not be as good as a shop. That is the first time she has not told the truth. They are fabulous.
Anyway, we had a pleasant evening with others coming in over the next few hours and the following day.
Andy Ross from Canterbury, Kent and Graham and Debbie from Weymouth were the longest travellers. Jo Rose from Liverpool, Solar John and Angie from Shrewsbury, all cf er’s. Then my cousin from Llandysul in West Wales in his nice Pilote ‘A’ class and Cassie with her ‘Big Bertha’ from Wildcampers joined us, Cassie joined us late on Friday night and missed the Hen And Stag nights unfortunately.
On Friday I had to go into Carlisle to pick up my daughter and family who were coming up from Milton Keynes by train. Cyril volunteered to take me, as he had to go shopping so off we went with his van popping and banging.
Thank heavens for Graham who got the tools out when we returned and sorted out his plugs and points.
Solar John went underneath mine to see where the noise was coming from and it turned out to be the pipe connection to the manifold. One bolt had sheared and the other was loose and was so corroded that there was no chance of nipping it up.
My son in law set up his tent while I got re-acquainted with the kids. Ellie, my daughter, disappeared with the women for the hen party organisation.
The campsite was pleasant and quiet [except for the engines being worked on] but far from full. I wasn’t so quiet after the kids arrived for their very first experience of camping but they did settle down after a while.
I can’t tell you much about the Hen night so I will hand over to Michelle for that.
Hen Night by Michelle
Joe said I had to have a hen night, so we all get some nibbles and descended on Joe about 6 o’clock. We sat and had a few drinks and played tumble. Where you have to take out blocks without it falling down. Joe had gone over to video the stag night when Angie broke through Joe’s bed so we sent Kirsty over to the Stag lot to get stuff to repair it. Unfortunately they had nothing and she finished up sleeping on a blow up mattress. Joe had bought fortune cookies and we opened those in turn with me going first. Mine said “you’re future will be bright”.
We left to go to bed about 10 o’clock. Sober, but after a lot of laughing. I stayed in Joe’s van.
Stag night
Not very exciting I'm afraid. Cyril had heard that it was customary to have a stripper at a Stag night so he volunteered to take his clothes off. We declined. I don’t think he’s quite got the hang of stag nights. We just sat in Blod and had a beer or two and chatted, mainly about vans and wild spots. Then a few jokes and an early bed. Not the stuff of legends. Well, I did have a late shower. I didn’t think I would have time in the morning.
Saturday 28th May 2005
The alarm woke me at 7.30 and I got Kirsty up. Gave her, Ellie, Lee and the kids bacon and egg butties for breakfast. Packed everything up and loaded the van.
At 9am I led the convoy out from the campsite to the Famous Old Blacksmith’s shop, Gretna Green.
Part 2 coming