

Can one of you guy's give me some advice please ??

I was parked last night when visiting my son, we were in a quiet side road at a small coastal resort. Peaceful and safe.....Or so we thought :rolleyes:

It seems some little darlings eye's were bigger that there belly, resulting in them deciding to throw the obviously unwanted Mc Flurry and Thickshake all over the windscreen and front of the van. :mad:
A pain in the derrier but certainly not insurmountable I hear you cry.
If the little darlings had left it there all would indeed be well, a bucket of hot soapy water and a little elbow grease will remove all signs of there unwanted meal.
Unfortunately they also decided and who can blame them really, as I am sure they have had a difficuly childhood, quite probably from a broken family that it would brighten my day up to return to the van and find a nice big smiley face scrawled across the side of the van in Black permanent marker pen.

Oh how it made my night as you will well imagine, how I smiled at their handiwork, admiring their artistic bent.
I am just so very glad that they were not in evidence when we returned to the van, or else this post may well have been entitled " A body..... The disposal of ????"

Can somone please advise as to what to use to try to remove the offending mark, I am sure I have seen a thread on here at some point regarding Graffitti, and it's removal, but despite a search I cannot find anything.

Most markers are alcohol based inks so use meths,gin, rum, vodka - no need to rub your paint off then!:)
Yes, as above.
I would try meths to remove marker pen (try it on a small area first).
And drink the gin, vodka and rum :D

sorry to disagree but nail varnish remover is acetone and will possibly destroy the paintwork underneath.i recommend t- cut or white spirit, followed by meths which will get rid of the oils left by the spirit. follow off with a car polish to protect the stripped area. good luck.
Permanent markers

A trick i used to use when accidently using a permanent marker on a whiteboard was to go over the writing or drawing with the same pen or type of marker and wipe off imediately with a dry cloth, it does work on whiteboards.
Try using a dry wipe marker over the permenant one
PS blumin pigs out there like tobe sharper but it is a family show
I thank you all kindly indeed, you have made a grumpy old git a happy old man :)
I actually have some Mer, and have actually aquired some T-Cut today as I thought it might be worth a go. I havent dared have a go at it until I had read your comments though. Tomorrow morning I shall give a good once over and report back.
I do appreciate the fast help and advice, as well as the sympathetic comments and kind words.
Try a fine t cut polish,like farecla g3 or g10.have used this myself.
when i purchased my van i had to remove loads of sign writing. i thought i'd remove the vinyl then t-cut the glue , yuk!!!! then i thought theres no rush i'll let it weather a couple of weeks then t-cut, better. for sum reason i'd got a spray can of brake cleaner and thought i'll try that!!! why did'nt i try that first comes off a treat anything i know comes off with it!!!! dosen't damage aint work neither and just buff up after. hope this works for any of you guys:)
HI there folks...

As mad as it may seem, Hairspray will get Permanent marker off!!! I use it on white boards to clean them after someone’s has used the wrong pens on it(permanent not dry wipe)....

I’m sorry to hear about what was done to your van, the kids in question probably didn’t even think about the consequences of their stupid actions. Unfortunately that may be a trait of being young these days, but that the government 5% statistic of young people that class as disaffected (broken families, poor education and living below the poverty line) will not remove the stain from your van.... Please take heart from the thought that this is only the a minority and the vast majority of young people who are good kids, who are brought up well in respectful homes and will take their place in society and contributing to something that is positive, rather than carrying out random acts of vandalism.

All the best and I hope it comes off for you... Andy
You could try spraying it with WD40 then wipe off almost immediately before the solvent dries, ( don't laugh I work in the metal machining industry and its what we use to remove permanent marker from steel and aluminium ).
Hope its of some use to you.
Regards, Randonneur.
Try the inner lining of the left scrotum if you ever find the idiots.:D
I'd make them lick it off after putting a red hot poker through their tongue!!:eek::mad:
Hang 'em all and off with their heads!! You work hard to get a nice motorhome then some idiot decides to try to destroy what you worked for. If only I was a JP. Trouble is I'd get sacked for filling their jails up!
Apologies for not replying sooner PAYG dongle expired and today is first time back in civilisation for a few days to enable me to update it. Confirmed what I already knew though I dont like it at all (being back in the real world that is) :)
Thanks very much for the cleaning suggestions, but I can happily report that all is now well and van is back to normal. gave it a little rub with t cut and as if by magic the artwork was no more. Only trouble was that it made the rest of the van look dirty having a nice shiny clean spot on the side, so I then spent a day and a half washing and polishing the bugger :rolleyes:

I had to laugh at some of the suggestions as to what to clean it off with, and believe me if I had of caught them in the act they would probably have washed ashore somewhere along the south coast by now.
I do realise that all kids aint bad, trouble is you dont very often see the good ones out and about by the very nature of the fact that they are doing something a little more constructive with their time. This leaves the chavs and wastrels to roam the street looking for something to do. How I wish they didnt :(

She who must be obeyed put it into context. They only drew a smiley face on the van, they could have scratched it on with a knife or scribbled and scrawled all over it, or worse. We have had an unfortunate experience, but it hasnt put us off what we are doing as we realise that these things are likely to happen at some point. So thanks again all :)

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