Got "your connection is not private" when trying to get to this site


Full Member
I am using a samsung galaxy tab S 2. Just days ago i first got a page your connection is not private net_err_symantec_legacy. That sounds like symantec anti virus but mine is mcaffee. I got here by overiding (unsafe) and the header now has red triangle exclamwtion nark symbol https crossed out before wild camping. Can you help?
I've had that before too,I think if you delete cookies it clears the problem.
got that since update on ad block havent cleared cookie yet but not worried sites working
Older versions of Andriod still use older insecure HTTPS SSL systems. So as this site is secure (https instead of http) you will get an error if your system does not support some of the methods.

There is no personal credit card or bank data being passed to this website, so it does not really matter if it is secure.
Older versions of Andriod still use older insecure HTTPS SSL systems. So as this site is secure (https instead of http) you will get an error if your system does not support some of the methods.

There is no personal credit card or bank data being passed to this website, so it does not really matter if it is secure.

just an FYI ... I got an SSL Insecure Error (I thought I did a screenshot to save it but didn't work) message and the forum wouldn't load at all. Can't remember the exact message but it looked like a config error more then a browser generated one (using Windows 10 on PC).

(SSL in head right now as up until 2AM last night updating my Website images and on-line Store after installing an SSL Certificate yesterday)
Had the same message today, also on a Samsung t2, I just closed the tab and opened another, came on ok with no message.

The site certificate upgrade and then closing the tab, and open ing a new wildcamping one has cured the problem with my tab S2 tablet. Thanks
Older versions of Andriod still use older insecure HTTPS SSL systems. So as this site is secure (https instead of http) you will get an error if your system does not support some of the methods.

There is no personal credit card or bank data being passed to this website, so it does not really matter if it is secure.

HTTPS / SSL is the secure access method,
HTTP is the insecure access method.

HTTPS / SSL is the secure access method,
HTTP is the insecure access method.

What Admin said is that there are some older clients out there that despite being SSL clients are not fully compatible with newer SSL systems. It is not as simple as HTTPS good, HTTP bad.
I am unable to access the site on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet using the default browser, it doesn't give the option to ignore the warning but I can if I use chrome or Firefox instead, it isn't a problem because I trust the site, when I return home I will look at ways to make it work because if this was one of the other forums I use (non motorhome related) then I would not risk it
The "not secure" warning is not an indication there has been a security breach or the like, it is a canned warning solely shown when a site is not covered by an SSL certificate and the main effect is to make people panic for no reason.
If you are NOT providing any sensitive info then it really makes no difference to anything.
It is a bit like "this product was not produced in a nut-free environment" ... If you are not allergic to nuts (not given sensitive data) then nut-free or not makes no odds.
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It is a bit like "this product was not produced in a nut-free environment" ... If you are not allergic to nuts (not given sensitive data) then nut-free or not makes no odds.
This forum isn't a nut free environment, far from it :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:

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