About 15 yrs a go, I was training one of my microlight students at Point of Ayr where the Dee joins in the Irish Sea. The beach can be a good place to land, but in that particular part, if there were much brighter yellow sand areas, that was soft, so we would do a low pass to look at footprints and see if they sunk into the sand.
A little Suzuki 4x4 was also on the beach, seeing us decided to race us. In front of us we saw a bright yellow patch of sand so climbed away, little Suzuki thought he had won until he decelerated from 70mph to zero in about 15 yards!!
Luckily, there used to be a farmer waiting on the beach for such occasions. So 30 mins and 30 Quid lighter, little Suzuki was free.
He saw us again and was having great fun splashing through to puddles.
I told my student to watch him as in front of us was a much darker "Puddle" infact it's where the sand banks started with the gullies.
Little Suzuki must have hit it at about 50mph, one large sploosh and no Suzuki. 4 heads appeared on the surface of the lagoon!!
They walked away luckily, now there's one case where no matter how many boards or what ever you have, nothing could recover that. It was there for ages!!
PS, he now rides jet ski's with similar care!!