Good Morning / Good Afternoon ?


Full Member
I went for a lovely walk this morning and saw lot`s of people. I made eye contact with everyone who looked up. I smiled and said "good morning", how many do you think replied ? Yup not many.
Was just wondering (without getting into a fight ;)) do you say hello ?
Him in doors chats to everyone but I seem to only attract the village idiot. :confused:
I always say hello to people in the countryside or in the hills.

Not really in towns though, it's just the numbers of people make it impractical for everyone to say hello to each other.
We find if we are out walking with the dog people will say hello more than without the dog??
No it works like this
The further North you travel the more people will speak to you. Having lived the first twenty odd years in and around London and the latter 30 in Lancashire there is a vast difference in how friendly people are.
A good game to play when walking in the Lake District during the summer months is to speak to fellow walkers. those that do not stop and speak tend to be people from the southern latitudes.
Its a shame but true.
as said i lived in london most my life and your lucky if your own neighbour says hi now in essex its a bit better but not much
when on walks ect i always say hi
I definitely agree with the North/South theory and also with the dog theory.

Rigg the pig insists on greeting every human and dog he sees, so I have no choice but I quite enjoy it as living alone and working from home alot, so I could go for days without human contact otherwise. And it's the best way to find out what's going on in the village, the gossip etc.

Sometimes though if I'm in a grumpy mood, I put my leather Ozzie *croc dundee" hat on, pull it down over my eyes, keep my head down and just grunt at people if they say hello to me. Rigg doesn't like it when I do that!
I'm not sure about the North/South theory as If I go for a walk in the South in the countryside I always say hello and they nearly always say hello back :lol-053:

Unless this is cos I am really a Northerner... but I must be meeting a fair number of Southerners in the South :confused:

In any case, it's usually me who says hello first, and most people will reply.
blimey that's all a bit sarfist,us southerners are just very shy,timorous creatures with tiny egos,extremely humble and self-effacing,who can only dream of having the bluff and hearty confidence of our much admired northern brethren.please be kind to us
I find these days that there are a lot of Northerners who have migrated south for employment opportunities and a lot of Southerners who have either moved north or have second homes in the north for recreational purposes, so often you will find traits from both in any area.

Me, I'm a Midlander originally, (Leicestershire), I get called a Northerner where I live now (St Neots), and I get called a Southerner when I visit the north, Guess I'm an Inbetweenie!
I'm not sure about the North/South theory as If I go for a walk in the South in the countryside I always say hello and they nearly always say hello back :lol-053:

Unless this is cos I am really a Northerner... but I must be meeting a fair number of Southerners in the South :confused:

In any case, it's usually me who says hello first, and most people will reply.

When I was in my twenties, I lived for 4 years in London and found lots of friendly people to speak to. Mind you that was South of the river, which I understand is different. Nowadays definitely dog walking is the way to meet people but I've always tended to talk to people wherever I am. I've made many friends at bus stops!
I'm a southerner or otherwise known as a 'man of Kent'.
There are 'Kentish Men' and 'Men of Kent' depending which side of the Medway you live.
I like to think that Yorkshire has 'adopted' me though, seeing that I have lived in Sheffield for the past 15 years.
As for saying hello, well, I was standing by my motorbike yesterday and this very friendly local guy came up to me smiled, put his hand out to shake my hand, and then politely asked me for some money for a cuppa tea!:idea-007: ...lesson learned...
As a geordie I speak to anyone, in a queue or in a shop and never think anything of it, but here in Portsmouth people do speak, and grin, and edge away from me. Could be the beanie hat and muffler, or the raincoat, any ideas what I'm doing wrong?:lol-053::lol-053::p
i allways say hello when out walking/camping and mostly people respond. I have worked in the South and North and have found the Northerners to be more friendly, the further North you go, I find Nottingham folk very friendly but leicester, not so, this is another reason why i prefer Scotland rather than Cornwall, i find the Scottish people so very freindly, but have to say, MOST of the Southerners on this site, are ok i guess :D
i allways say hello when out walking/camping and mostly people respond. I have worked in the South and North and have found the Northerners to be more friendly, the further North you go, I find Nottingham folk very friendly but leicester, not so, this is another reason why i prefer Scotland rather than Cornwall, i find the Scottish people so very freindly, but have to say, MOST of the Southerners on this site, are ok i guess :D

So much agree with you about the Scots. I moored up on Loch Ness a few years back, went into a pub and got chatting to a local called dougal, he showed me all around Fort Augustus pubs, met up with his mates, watched England play Scotland at football in one pub and only got friendly banter!

I did notice when I crawled back to the boat at 2 AM that my dinner had been thrown onto the bank. I crept very gingerly into bed that night!
i allways say hello when out walking/camping and mostly people respond. I have worked in the South and North and have found the Northerners to be more friendly, the further North you go, I find Nottingham folk very friendly but leicester, not so, this is another reason why i prefer Scotland rather than Cornwall, i find the Scottish people so very freindly, but have to say, MOST of the Southerners on this site, are ok i guess :D

don't worry,that'll fade the more you get to know northern wife agrees with and endorses this statement
Yup its nice to say hello when out and about, must admit though its not something I would do in town though.
your not wrong about the north south thing its not cos us londoner are any less friendly its because most of our neighbours dont speak any english
OK i`ll give you the dog walking bit, I know thats true. The mother-outlaw stayed here for two weeks a couple of years back with her pooch and made lots of friends. No I wasent here I went on holiday funny enough to the Lake District, :lol-053: I`m not stoooopid

I will also agree about the scots, they are genuinely pleased to see you. There are lots of jocks and jockettes where I work and they are very friendly and generous. No really, Mr Hoey went to give me 10p dropped it and caught it before it hit the ground. :D Dont shoot the messenger Mr Hoey told me that joke and he thought it was hilarious. Just dont ask them if they are Scotch, if you do I would duck.

The Lake District in summer is usually spot the brit so I need more proof on that one.

But the North / South thingy ?????? I`ve had a look at my map and I cant find it.

Back to the question do you speak ? It seems yes you do and i`m happy for that.
So when i see a WC sticker in a windscreen and toodle over with a smile you will say............ wotdoyouwant......:raofl:


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