Good aire town of. Finnisterre


On left, through gate, locked at night, very friendly. Much bigger town than expected. 3km from cape finnisterre lighthouse.

Now in Arcade, near Pontevedra, good aire on side of estuary
On left, through gate, locked at night, very friendly. Much bigger town than expected. 3km from cape finnisterre lighthouse.

Now in Arcade, near Pontevedra, good aire on side of estuary

What is the charge per night?

Do you have the co-ords?
You will find this in the Iberia POIs as AC Fisterra. The charge is 8€ per night.

There are three other POIs in Fisterra where you can overnight for free.
You will find this in the Iberia POIs as AC Fisterra. The charge is 8€ per night.

There are three other POIs in Fisterra where you can overnight for free.

We usually stop out by the light house for free
Stopover in Finisterre

IIRC this was a nice spot. I don't have the details though.

IMG_0484 (1).jpg Same place looking the other way it should be in the POI

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