You'll be fine, there are loads of MH's over there, as advised, take your time, but who wants to rush round a place like that, its stunning, the roads are narrow but there is plenty of pulling places and people just don't rush about over there, nobody seems to get impatient, be courteous to other drivers and let them pass, use every pull in to take in the beautiful scenery, enjoy, you lucky lucky peeps i wanna go lol
We had a great holiday on Mull a few years ago, the scenery and wild life are stunning.
When we arrived I booked a wildlife tour with David Woodhouse Isle of Mull Wildlife Expeditions
On the tour we saw otters, golden and sea eagles, peregrine falcons etc and got a good tour all round the island which gave us confidence to explore durring the rest of the holiday.
I would recommend the pub on Ulver Island as the best seafood I have ever eaten.
This year we are heading further north for our holidays to Lewis and Harris.
Best of luck.
That's the one road I would also say not to attempt, to Carsaig. We never got there aes were going to park up and go on the motorbike but couldn't find anywhere to park close by!
Have a look at my Mull page on Virtual Tourist, lots of info and pictures here.
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