Global warming up ?


I've never been a believer of Gore's global warming and all the hussle around it. :confused:
Now ever more since hell is freezing over in these parts (to night -8, thurstday -13 !) :eek:
Or is it only to give us a guilt-feeling so we could be wringed out a little more ? :eek:
What do you think about it ? :confused:
I've never been a believer of Gore's global warming and all the hussle around it. :confused:
Now ever more since hell is freezing over in these parts (to night -8, thurstday -13 !) :eek:
Or is it only to give us a guilt-feeling so we could be wringed out a little more ? :eek:
What do you think about it ? :confused:

Unfortunately, you can't measure Global warming trends on a few cold nights or a few hot days...... The Trends are measured over decades and the rotten summers we (here in Britain) have been having are more of an Inicator.
As the oceans warm, more vapour is created causing huge rain laden fronts to deposit its moisture on the first land mass reached, (Britain then Europe)
This is also coupled to the Aridisation of southern Spain, all these things are happening and the highest temperatures reached in the last hundred years have all been in the last decade.
Sorry Leo, the facts speak for themselves..... so enjoy the big freeze (they will still happen from time to time, again) but If you are looking forward to a long hot summer then unfortunately I think we may be dissapointed.:(
Another strange but interesting result of global warming, is that British winters are likely to get much (a lot) colder!

This is due to the fact that our mild winters are due to the effect of the gulf stream, global warming is likely to alter it's course if not stop it altogether.

With out this we will have winters much like the rest of central/northern Europe, (B___DY COLD)
Well I'm a global warming sceptic, I see it as nothing more than our governments finding yet another method of increasing taxation or creating an artificial carbon trading market for their mates in the stock markets.

Historically the world has had dramatic changes in climate, both hot and cold. 90% of our climate is influenced by the position of the magnetic poles. The link between the position of the North/South Poles and weather can be seen by looking up historical global magnetic maps and known plant species that grow in certain weather types, or written records from the various civilisations going back to about 3000BC (in the case of India).

In recent historical times (Europe's Middle/Dark Ages) you end up with the North Pole under Siberia. Europe had long winters starting in late October and running into March or April, food was scarce because of the short growing season, famines and plague were common. In contrast the civilisations of SE Asia and China were flourishing with mild climates and long growing seasons. There are other exaples during the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, Indian sub continent, Japanese, etc. Mild weather allows for growing an excess of food, as soon as you have more food than you can eat, you can build, create art, write books, philosophise, explore, this is when civilisation takes a big leap forward.

Currently the North Pole is under Canada and is heading towards true North, until the 1990s it was moving at about 10kms/year, since late 90s its sped up to 40kms/year. When it was moving South, Europe had those mild Summers of the 1930s and 40s.

Does Global Warming exist? No! Its just a natural event.

Global excuse for Taxation? Yes! Its an unnatural event created by politicians.
The fellow or fellows who forcast last years bad summer have forcast a good summer for 2009 .
So someone told me but for the life of me I can't remember who.
But I am going for it :D:D:D:D
i begin to think its aeroplanes
that cause it
they take the polution to the edge of the atmosphere
the stuff we produce hardley gets off the ground
Well I'm a global warming sceptic, I see it as nothing more than our governments finding yet another method of increasing taxation or creating an artificial carbon trading market for their mates in the stock markets.

Historically the world has had dramatic changes in climate, both hot and cold. 90% of our climate is influenced by the position of the magnetic poles. The link between the position of the North/South Poles and weather can be seen by looking up historical global magnetic maps and known plant species that grow in certain weather types, or written records from the various civilisations going back to about 3000BC (in the case of India).

In recent historical times (Europe's Middle/Dark Ages) you end up with the North Pole under Siberia. Europe had long winters starting in late October and running into March or April, food was scarce because of the short growing season, famines and plague were common. In contrast the civilisations of SE Asia and China were flourishing with mild climates and long growing seasons. There are other exaples during the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, Indian sub continent, Japanese, etc. Mild weather allows for growing an excess of food, as soon as you have more food than you can eat, you can build, create art, write books, philosophise, explore, this is when civilisation takes a big leap forward.

Currently the North Pole is under Canada and is heading towards true North, until the 1990s it was moving at about 10kms/year, since late 90s its sped up to 40kms/year. When it was moving South, Europe had those mild Summers of the 1930s and 40s.

Does Global Warming exist? No! Its just a natural event.

Global excuse for Taxation? Yes! Its an unnatural event created by politicians.

However all the previous incidences of, warming, cooling, were minus one HUGELY significant thing........... The Humungeos outporing of ozone depleting and carbon emitting pollutants from our Power stations, manufacturing, aeroplanes, vehicles, de-forrestation fires, warfare, paving over of land surfaces, and consumption of the vegetation that would once have absorbed any natural catastrophy pollutants.
It does not bear thinking of what should happen were a huge global catastrophy would do, on top of what we are doing.

I also think taxation would be easier to raise in a "sod the consequences"world.
Oops, I should have included that I'm more than happy to reduce all types of pollution, whether it be a plastic bag ban or multiple recycling bins, or growing my own vegies. We even use roof water to flush our toilets rather than good drinking water.

I just struggle with our governments (national and local) incoherent responses to global warming. We (the people) are being told by pollies to curb our travel because its evil and carbon producing, but in Australia they've just awarded themselves an additional travel allowance so that they and their entourage can fly home each weekend from Canberra!! There's no doubt the same thing going on in the UK.

Our local council wont even discuss collecting rubbish from only one side of the street and reducing vehicle travel by about 40% - local business owns the rubbish collection trucks.

So as always our pollies lead from the rear, normally whilst we are all bending over!!
cannot say i am a believer in this global warming theory , as far as i am concerned its just the scientists keeping themselves in a job also a way for our governments around the world conning more taxation out of us. if you listen to them when we have a hot summer they say we will have to get used to droughts, untill we get a wet summer then they change there minds and say our summers will get wetter due to global warming and we will be flooded. as for our winters well whatever we get will be blamed on global warming they cannot make up there minds.personally i cannot give a dam ether way. why should i worry when there are the usa india china churning out co2 like nothing really matters, i doubt if i was to give up everything that is supposed to be bad for the environment would this world will last any longer i doubt it so i will just enjoy myself and not worry. that is until the green do gooders screw me into the ground with taxes .
The actual worrying thing is that as global warming (nobody can doubt that the earth is getting warmer, for what ever reason) continues it will start to melt the permafrost, this has already hapened on a smallish scale, it will then release thousands of tons of methane which is 20 times more efective that carbon dioxide. Thus we will have a run away effect, the seas will get warmer the carbon dioxide in the depths will be released and then it's goodnight for everbody! We are all part of the problem, because there are too many people in the world consuming resources!
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It's happened so many times before - humankind is just a flea on earth's shoulder, waiting to be scratched off, and these cycles will go on when we're long extinct.

Still, as the waters cover the land we can take comfort from one of Bush's famous sayings: "I know that the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully." :) ...well, for a while, anyway...glubglubglub....
Well then PaulC (& all the posters), who's bothered ? All together now "Goodnight Sweetheart"....
wilding in hell :eek: , at least we wont need the heater. but i bet there will be a notice banning camping and sleeping overnight on the handcart:D:D
Yep, we're all going to hell in a hand cart!

I wonder if I could go to hell in my Horse drawn cart:eek::D:p


Gee up Neddy:p:cool:
We really can't go on with the attitude that, " I have stood in the middle of this road all my life and nothing has ever hit m..............EEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
As I said before all that has happened in the past has happened, species become extinct, the world warms, the world cools. We have never before been a contributing factor in these events. So obviously could not in any way, add or detract from those consequences.
However, disregarding any natural cycles of the natural planets activity. This time WE as the human race are a major force in the speeding up of whatever the natural consequences might be. Therefore it is not beyond the logic of reason to suppose that we might, by changing our behavior either slow things down or halt then for a few more generations.
None of this will effect us but will effect the children of our childrens children and if we are responsible through ancestry for there habitation of this planet by our desire to reproduce a new generation, then we are equally responsible to TRY and do a little now so that they might enjoy some of the beauty of this planet that it has been our privelidge to enjoy.
It is not something we can chose to do, it is something we HAVE to do.
We would not sit our children down before empty plates, so why leave their childrens children with an empty planet?
Some believe that it is caused by greenhouse gases, overpopulation, ravishment of the rainforest, in other words, it was caused by humans. Others believe that global warming is a natural earth cycle and has nothing at all to do with humans. Then there are those who believe it involves a combination of several factors. I have been following both sides of this issue, there is compelling evidence on both sides. I agree with a public opinion poll, where most of the voters believe Global warming can be prevented...
The thing with financing anti-climate change measures is that it penalises the extant world population. The Stern report states that 3% of world GDP is needed to tackle climate change today as opposed to 20% WGDP in 50 yrs time. The problem is that the same economic data used by Stern predict a 50% increase in mean per capita wealth (in real terms) over the same period, so the 3% now has a greater impact on people with marginal income than the 20% contribution on the relativley wealthy future generations.
e.g A person with $100/ yr today will be left with $97 to survive.
In fifty yrs,the same person would earn $150 / yr, pay $30 to "correct" the climate, and be left with $120.
These are very general figures but they belie the simplicity of the "Stitch in time.." argument used by many green campaigners.

As for public opinion being an indicator of scientific validity, this link:

to a public debate on anthropogenic climate change gives a good insight to how opinions change once the facts are presented by scientists on both sides, rather than by politicians.
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