Glen/Loch Trool


Full Member
Just back from a quiet weekend away at Loch Trool. Several parking spots. First nigh we pitched up at Loch Trool carpark a couple of miles up from the visitor centre. Next morning we did the LochTrool loop walk 5 3/4 miles around about 3 1/2 hr walk. There was a parking spot further on from our pitch and another up at Bruces Stone which was probably more suited for smaller vans. Our van is 30 ft long and found no problem parking in the first two spots. There are several walks to be had, a map for the walks is available from the visitor cecentre as you enter.. p.s. i picked up a carrier carrier
bag of litter left from hill walkers the night before that i found scattered on the banking when we woke in the morning. Dirty b@st@rds!
There are several solo remote spots you pass driving down to the loch Trool car park. We were the only one there the first night and a single van the next. Well maintained paths for walking. Sam
Hi we had a stop over and walked the area over new years eve and day, great pub at Glen Luce bay.
The problem is that there are still people who think it is OK to travel about, and posting pictures of being away helps normalise that.
I think you are lookjng for an argument that is not there. Cabin feever?
If you don't want comments, perhaps you should delete your old post.
The reason I commented was because I wanted to comment on how nice the dog looked. Didn't expect to get bitten by its rabid owner
I agree. Let’s have this as a nice place to visit. We try very hard not to delete posts, please if you can’t be friendly don’t post at all. There’s plenty of grief around at present without adding to it with squabbles.
Thinking about isolating from the forum cos of so many aggressive posts. It is not the same as the forum was when I joined. People are now looking for old posts to rant at

Actually considering the stress that we are all under I’m surprised how little discord there has been in here. Frank discussion yes, but in the main respectful of others views. I really don’t think anyone should self isolate from here as it should be a great place to be with people with a shared interest.
We try very hard to leave members to self regulate by posting respectfully and abiding by the simple rules that they have signed up to, but please report anything considered inappropriate and we’ll deal with it quickly.
In general this is a very friendly place to be, with help freely offered, lets not let a very few transgressions change that.

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