Glasgow sightseeing


Full Member
We are doing the grand tour at the moment and in a week or two would like to have a day in Glasgow. I would appreciate any ideas of where to park or a spot out of town where we can get a bus or train into town. I may be off line for a while, as i don't know where the dongle will work next:drive:
Drive into Glasgow, head for the Glasgow Green People's Palace and you will find plenty of parking places.
It is a short walk into town, say 15 minutes to Buchanan Street, "great shopping area", and very close by in Drury Street is the Horseshoe Bar.
Upstairs you can have a 3 course meal for under a fiver, nothing fancy just good homemade soup, fish and chips (or sausage and mash, steak pie and potatoes or other selections available) finish off with ice cream or rice and fruit.
Other MHs have parked at the Green before and the police patrol the area frequently.
I can send you more details if you wish.
Or, you can message me and I'll send you an e-mail.
Don't under any circumstances overnight at peoples palace it's safe during the day but not at night, it's surrounded by CCTV and you will probably be warned off by the police at night anyway. I can't think of anywhere in Glasgow city centre you can overnight safely, sorry.

If your arriving via the M8 motorway you can take the Springburn/Bishopbriggs cut off and travel towards Bishopbriggs, about 3 miles after passing through Bishopbriggs you will see a large retail park (Bishopbriggs Retail Park) B&Q, Argos, Marks & Spencers, etc, you may be able to overnight there, it's huge. It's close by Wallace's Well and Wallace's Cross (marks the spot where he was captured). Otherwise you can travel on another few miles into the countryside and wildcamp there.

From there are direct routes to Stirling and Loch Lomond etc.

It's around 20min drive back into Glasgow city centre
Glasgow is not as bad as some would have you think.
The area around the People's Palace has seen tremendous improvements and the Glasgow Green's reputation as a "dangerous" place is outdated.
I live on the edge of the "Green" and only once in 5 years has there been any attempt to gain entry to my van. The police will NOT move you on. They might knock on your door to ask if everything is ok and as AuldTam says the place has more than its fair share of CCTV cameras all linked to a certain point and monitored 24 hours. I may be away when you arrive so you could park at my front door but if you have been put off parking here then that is ok. Seems a pity though.
The Glasgow Green area is NOT AS BAD as some would have you believe. Remember also that our nights are much lighter at this time of year so less chance for unwanted approaches towards MHs. I would suggest that the advice about Bishopbriggs is good advice - far less people around but may have more boy-racers if you choose the wrong spot.

Enjoy Scotland!
I had to overnight in the city centre near the river many years ago. We were towing a boat, it was pouring with rain & the car wouldn't start so we just settled down in the boat. At about 3am there was a loud rap on the hull. I opened the hatch & looked out to see a policeman looking up at me. "Do you know where you are?" Yes, I said, Glasgow. He then told me I was near the Gorbals & it wasn't safe on a Saturday night, so I brought my hand out from behind my back. I was holding my spare tiller, a 4' long 2" square length of varnished oak. "I'm prepared for problems" I said, so they grinned & left me. No-one else even came near as far as I know - and the missus is a very light sleeper.

It stopped raining in the morning, I fixed the car & off we went. The kids never even woke up.

BTW while in the Glasgow area, the Falls of Clyde & New Lanark where Scottish Wildlife have a hide watching a peregrine nest is worth a visit & a good overnight wild spot. The Falkirk wheel is also worth a visit too.
Glasgow is not as bad as some would have you think.
The area around the People's Palace has seen tremendous improvements and the Glasgow Green's reputation as a "dangerous" place is outdated.
I live on the edge of the "Green" and only once in 5 years has there been any attempt to gain entry to my van. The police will NOT move you on. They might knock on your door to ask if everything is ok and as AuldTam says the place has more than its fair share of CCTV cameras all linked to a certain point and monitored 24 hours. I may be away when you arrive so you could park at my front door but if you have been put off parking here then that is ok. Seems a pity though.

Okay, having re-read my post I can see where you are coming from.

IMO Glasgow Green is a good spot to park during the day, all day, and parking is mostly free. Its a great spot as you suggested for walking or busing into the city centre and the Glasgow Tour bus stops there too. However, having been a coach driver I've had occasion to pick up passengers from the peoples palace in the early hours after weddings and other functions and been pestered by prostitutes or the police thinking I was kerb crawling whilst waiting outside.
I really didn't want to mention prostitutes or why the police would check you out in my first post.

I wouldn't want visitors to our city thinking this is typical Glasgow at night. It's a great city.

I use the roads around the Bishopbriggs retail park daily and have not seen many boy races at night, and it's a well lit area. They tend to use the unlit Torrance Road.

I was only giving my opinion and was not trying to bad mouth Glasgow, I live two miles away from Bishopbriggs and if my driveway was longer I would have offered you to park there too.
I agree that the area around Glasgow Green was a "Red Light" district not so long ago but as around £15 million has been spent on improvements including £3.75 million on the Doulton Fountain (largest Terracotta fountaiin in the world) the authorities saw fit to up Police patrols and chase the prostitutes and kerb crawlers out of the area.

Bishopbriggs may be ok to park overnight but that place doesn't have a very good reputation either does it.
Wasn't that the retail park that the "Gerbil" was gunned down in broad daylight over drug matters I believe.

Anyway, it is up to yourself antiquesam, I do hope you have a pleasant stay if you do come to Glasgow, the ball is in your court.
Can't help you with overnight parking but if you want a great night out the basement at The State Bar.....just off Sauchiehall St..... is a superb comedy venue. Laughed me socks off!

Comedy at the State - Home Page
Thanks folks. I have finally got online again. having read the Lonely Planet we bought in the Charity Shop we can see what we want in a day so will park up at the Peoples Palace for a day, drive south somewhere for the night and have a look at the Burrell Collection the next day. Job sorted, all we have to now is the Highlands.

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