Giz a push


Starter motor failed last week on my other van at work so lads had to give me a push to start up and get home:eek::(,, whipped it out to get it repaired/overhauled (the starter motor,that is:eek:), then decided to open it up and see how it works:rolleyes: (as you do),,Found that one of the brushes was set back in its holder and stuck, after a little bit fiddling around with it ,put it back together and whipped it back on, turned the key and ,"Hey presto" it worked,problem solved???? and it has been ok for the last three days;), Has my curiosity saved me a big bill for a new unit or will the problem reoccur and leave me with egg on my face:eek::p

as long as the brushes had a decent amount left you should be ok
why not get a spare pair of brushes ready to fit in if it goes again
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Working on that Tony, trouble is they dont want to part with such a cheap commodity when they can charge you £95+ to fit them for you and call it a reconditioned unit:(
Good you could fix it Lenny,
you know a small sprit of WD40 on the brushes springs will do wonders ;)
Hi Lenny,
sound like one of the springs as weakened, if it happens again try new coil springs, cheaper than new motor, and if the armature is a bit rough at the edges, cleanup with a little wet and dry paper.

Happy Camping:)
no one ever used to buy new untill recently it was repair, parts are still available for things if you try that is why i was a mechanic not like what they are now :D fitters. a mechanic repaires a fitter fits last starter motor i repaired was with brushes addapted from a domesic hoover , comutator cleaned up a treat ps dont want to sound off but the armature is the center wound part of the motor :D:D sorry
Your right to correct Mandrake, slight thought error on my part. Long time since I used washing machine/cleaner bits for repairs.(Fitter).

Happy Camping.:)
suprising what you can use to get you on your way, and to effect a good repair but then again with a lot of the new motors about nowadays you cannot repair its just chuck away and replace then the bill :eek: mega bucks they say newer motors are more eco friendly i dont think so repair is more eco than replace

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