Gervais calls Subo a mong.

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Deleted member 21686

Singing sensation Susan Boyle has taken aim at Ricky Gervais after he called her a "mong" in his comedy show, insisting: "He's the one with the problem, not me."

Does anyone find Ricky Gervais funny.

What an offensive comment.

Using that word is unacceptable has he never heard the saying "There but for grace of god go I"

Boyle slams Gervais over 'mong' insult | Orange UK
Singing sensation Susan Boyle has taken aim at Ricky Gervais after he called her a "mong" in his comedy show, insisting: "He's the one with the problem, not me."

Does anyone find Ricky Gervais funny.

What an offensive comment.

Using that word is unacceptable has he never heard the saying "There but for grace of god go I"

Boyle slams Gervais over 'mong' insult | Orange UK

Don't particularly like either, but cheap digs are pathetic, one Mong calling another Mong????
It is a truly offensive word and should not be used, the term 'Mongol' should never have been applied to mentally disabled people in the first place, but not so long ago it was commonplace.
I agree totally bad taste.....if he is that find material , and this is the level he should give up.

I have always found him as funny as watching paint dry.

A lot of humour is a Mickey take....out of occupations where people live, nationalities etc.

Look at some of the banter old Arthur , myself on occasion and maingate get involved with, which hopefully makes people smile

I do believe that when Susan Boyle arrived on the scene, it was well documented that she had learning difficultities and the media attention of her fame soon put her into a position she couldn't cope with.
To me it was obvious day one she was vulnerable.

And in fairness to Simon Cowell he seemed to protect her.

She has more talent than gervais can ever dream of..

I agree totally bad taste.....if he is that find material , and this is the level he should give up.

I have always found him as funny as watching paint dry.

A lot of humour is a Mickey take....out of occupations where people live, nationalities etc.

Look at some of the banter old Arthur , myself on occasion and maingate get involved with, which hopefully makes people smile

I do believe that when Susan Boyle arrived on the scene, it was well documented that she had learning difficultities and the media attention of her fame soon put her into a position she couldn't cope with.
To me it was obvious day one she was vulnerable.

And in fairness to Simon Cowell he seemed to protect her.

She has more talent than gervais can ever dream of..


I agree.
When gervais first came on the scene in the office I could not understand why people thought he was funny and nothing has change. On the program an idiot abroad his main aim is humiliate the guy they call the idiot.
To me gervais is the idiot.
I really dislike anyone joking about another persons disability, its like last week, re the speech impairment, there was a discussion on it on the radio, some where saying its just a bit of fun, eh? yeah right, r8 funny, ha ha, someone has a stutter or a lisp, i find that totally hilarious, NOT, what is wrong with people, we all bleed the same so we should all be treat the same regardless, i proper hate discrimination of any kind, it must be difficult enough having to deal with everyday tasks that we take for granted, let alone having to deal with people laughin or making fun of them
I think Susan Boyle handed the situation extremely well and it showed us all what a remarkable women she really is unlike the pathetic scum who was trying to get cheap laughs from a cheap joke.
I really dislike anyone joking about another persons disability, its like last week, re the speech impairment, there was a discussion on it on the radio, some where saying its just a bit of fun, eh? yeah right, r8 funny, ha ha, someone has a stutter or a lisp, i find that totally hilarious, NOT, what is wrong with people, we all bleed the same so we should all be treat the same regardless, i proper hate discrimination of any kind, it must be difficult enough having to deal with everyday tasks that we take for granted, let alone having to deal with people laughin or making fun of them

It must be most depressing for those who ridiculed like this.
I really dislike anyone joking about another persons disability, its like last week, re the speech impairment, there was a discussion on it on the radio, some where saying its just a bit of fun, eh? yeah right, r8 funny, ha ha, someone has a stutter or a lisp, i find that totally hilarious, NOT, what is wrong with people, we all bleed the same so we should all be treat the same regardless, i proper hate discrimination of any kind, it must be difficult enough having to deal with everyday tasks that we take for granted, let alone having to deal with people laughin or making fun of them[/QUOT

I walk with a lisp and talk with a limp. and Oh yes I am dyslexic as well.:lol-053:
well there's no doubt in my mind that gervais isn't a mong,but is an utter twat. but the' idiot abroad' series i found hilarious because of carl pilkington and his habit of saying what many of us thought about a lot of the tourist attractions[wonders]i'm sure a lot of us,having been somewhere exotic for a week,sometimes have secret urges to be at home in front of the telly with a pasty and a lager.
as for the word mong,short for mongol,it was the word we used to describe kids with downs syndrome,presumably because they looked a bit mongoloid. we know we,re not supposed to use the word any more but for a lot of us it was just another everyday, descriptive word used by all our mates,without a hint of malice,and still out of habit come first to mind,then we remember to amend it for a modern equivalent.there's loads of words like that.two of my mates are in wheelchairs and call themselves raspberries,as 'in out the way,raspberry coming through!'i don't think i'm allowed to say it but i'm not sure.i still find it confusing calling indians black,when i've always thought they were brown,and don't like seeing gay people miserable.having hijacked one of my favourite words ifeel they should live up to it,and it's because i love the english language that i'd sooner be called a slaphead than follically challenged
well there's no doubt in my mind that gervais isn't a mong,but is an utter twat. but the' idiot abroad' series i found hilarious because of carl pilkington and his habit of saying what many of us thought about a lot of the tourist attractions[wonders]i'm sure a lot of us,having been somewhere exotic for a week,sometimes have secret urges to be at home in front of the telly with a pasty and a lager.
as for the word mong,short for mongol,it was the word we used to describe kids with downs syndrome,presumably because they looked a bit mongoloid. we know we,re not supposed to use the word any more but for a lot of us it was just another everyday, descriptive word used by all our mates,without a hint of malice,and still out of habit come first to mind,then we remember to amend it for a modern equivalent.there's loads of words like that.two of my mates are in wheelchairs and call themselves raspberries,as 'in out the way,raspberry coming through!'i don't think i'm allowed to say it but i'm not sure.i still find it confusing calling indians black,when i've always thought they were brown,and don't like seeing gay people miserable.having hijacked one of my favourite words ifeel they should live up to it,and it's because i love the english language that i'd sooner be called a slaphead than follically challenged

How dare you call me a slaphead nbrown. lol
I totally agree the word gay has been hijacked....interestingly not by homosexuals themselves but by the general population, no doubt encouraged by references read on the redtops.

Of course for most of the numbskulls gay only has three letters so therefore is easy to learn when one is intlellectually challenged.

When you progress to four letters is tha oyster
a woman i know was talking to some girls who had a go at her for using long words'you fink you're really clever with your big words'sort of thing,she says'i bet you can pronounce un-em-ploy-ment-ben-e-fit,can't you?' that shut them up,and creased me up[non pc i know,what do you call a fat girl round here-greggnant ]
Most folks I know think that Ricky Gervais is over rated, but personally, I think he's a talentless waste of space. . . . . . No, I'm not an old fuddy-duddy, I'm someone who appreciates good comedy.
Gervais's use of the word "mong" goes back to the days of the Office and probably before. It was used in the Office in the scene where Merchant comes in as the Goggle monster. Clearly it is going to offend quite a few, but then so do jokes about women which some members posted in the forum recently. What is one man's meat is another's posion. Disabled people don't have any choice to be what they are, but neither do women or men for that matter.

Gervais has always lived on the edge. Being cynical you may even say he threw it in to get attention, but it was certainly something better left out.
If a comedian and I use the term loosley needs to provoke a hoot from the audience by derogatory comments to those who are afflicted and burdened with a disability...they aren't funny in my world.

I love the term alternative comedy.....what's that about?....utter bawlicks you are either funny.or you are aren't.

Ricky gervais I don't find funny, that I can live with and I dare say so can he.

But when gags stoop way beneath the belt, if that's the best he can do ...take up.cake decorating

oh I've no doubt it was deliberate to elicit the reaction and resultant publicity now Clarkson wishes he'd thought of it!

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