Generator - Fight!


Full Member
We were at a show Friday, arrived around 1700. A guy with a motorhome close has a genny running, and it wasn't quiet either - sounding a bit like two skeletons shagging in a biscuit tin... It's fine though, there's a bit of other noise and sometimes there's a need.

There wasn't anything of the show on that evening so we stayed at the van. Set everything up, BBQ, few beers, and a small fire in the pit. Genny hasn't stopped besides when it ran out of fuel and it's now gone 2200. Everything else is quiet, boy's trying to sleep and we're trying to unwind. I'll go and ask what the deal is.

Tap tap on the door, not to make anyone £$%^ themselves. From behind me:


Bollocks lol. Offered out a hand to a rather large German Sheppard (?) "Hello mate"

"Ah, you're good" says the dog. "I don't even like them, making me sleep out here, there's loads of room in that van."

Door opens. Lump stood there and doesn’t speak.

“Hello mate, I was just wondering about the generator. Boy’s trying to sleep and it is gone ten O’clock...”

“Get out”

“What? I’m just asking when you might turn it off. As I said, Boy’s trying to sleep and everything else is quiet”

“Watching a film, get out”

“Ah, ok, cool. How long is left?”

“Get out”

“Tell me how long, and I’ll be off, it’s no problem”

“Get out” He’s coming down the steps pushing me now and we get as far as the fcuking genny and I go ass over tit backwards over it. Get up, dodged his swing and lamped him a couple of times. That stopped him pushing and as soon as he took a step back I turned and left.

I walked further up the field wondering what the hell is wrong with people and there were a bunch of blokes there who said they heard it all and couldn’t believe how one, the bloke was such a clown, and two, how well I kept my cool.

Genny was off by the time I got back to the van lol.

They trundled off to the show around 1030 and were packed up and gone by the time we got back to start on some food around 1630. Peaceful for the rest of the weekend, and quite a good show (Castle Combe Steam rally, Saturday and Sunday)

Unbelievable! There should be enough solar power by now to run your TV all day and night but still people feel the need to run these things inconsiderably. You should have reported him to the Police for violent behaviour.
Inconsiderate to say the least, You DO get them unfortunately, & There’s no real need is there,What a Prxt !
sounds like you handled it very diplomatically mate - only twatting him a couple of times shows restraint but at the same time gives a clear message about manners in general, which the thick canute obviously understood.
sound !
22:00 is way to late for running Vehicle Engines Or Gennys For Charging purposes. Most of us know that, If people are around I personally think that up to about 20:00 is kind ok if necessary. & a bit of For Thought can save a lot of bad situations!.
Well done for your action ... although I would have been more diplomatic about it. It is dark at 10 pm, so I would have just quietly pissed in his fuel tank and walked away. :p
So he got of lightly then he’s lucky you never sent the wife over I’ll fill in his description think I know him was he wearing a string vest denim dungarees a piece of straw in mouth trailing his knuckles on ground white socks and sandals that guy gets around. Think I’ve just described myself lol
I think that these infernal and unnecessary devices should be disallowed at such events, and this made clear at time of booking. This would hopefully limit such unnecessary aggro.
I think that these infernal and unnecessary devices should be disallowed at such events, and this made clear at time of booking. This would hopefully limit such unnecessary aggro.

The Trouble is you wouldn’t have a show if you disallowed all The infernal & unnecessary devices.
it IS after all a Steam Show, & a lot of people actually go to see theas Slow, Noisy, Steam belching Goliath machines of yesteryear.
But I do agree it would save a lot of Aggro, I was stuck behind one in a stream of traffic that took ages to clear.
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It's generator city when we go to our big motocross meetings in England but the rule at every meet is off by 10pm. We are not there for a leisurely weekend and find this cut off acceptable. BUT there are always a few ignorant people who flaunt this while running the noisiest Aldi bangers outside their caravans/motorhomes. Some even have long cables so it is not disturbing them personally. We just go out and tip them upside down after 10pm. Always works.
We were at a show Friday, arrived around 1700. A guy with a motorhome close has a genny running, and it wasn't quiet either - sounding a bit like two skeletons shagging in a biscuit tin... It's fine though, there's a bit of other noise and sometimes there's a need.

There wasn't anything of the show on that evening so we stayed at the van. Set everything up, BBQ, few beers, and a small fire in the pit. Genny hasn't stopped besides when it ran out of fuel and it's now gone 2200. Everything else is quiet, boy's trying to sleep and we're trying to unwind. I'll go and ask what the deal is.

Tap tap on the door, not to make anyone £$%^ themselves. From behind me:


Bollocks lol. Offered out a hand to a rather large German Sheppard (?) "Hello mate"

"Ah, you're good" says the dog. "I don't even like them, making me sleep out here, there's loads of room in that van."

Door opens. Lump stood there and doesn’t speak.

“Hello mate, I was just wondering about the generator. Boy’s trying to sleep and it is gone ten O’clock...”

“Get out”

“What? I’m just asking when you might turn it off. As I said, Boy’s trying to sleep and everything else is quiet”

“Watching a film, get out”

“Ah, ok, cool. How long is left?”

“Get out”

“Tell me how long, and I’ll be off, it’s no problem”

“Get out” He’s coming down the steps pushing me now and we get as far as the fcuking genny and I go ass over tit backwards over it. Get up, dodged his swing and lamped him a couple of times. That stopped him pushing and as soon as he took a step back I turned and left.

I walked further up the field wondering what the hell is wrong with people and there were a bunch of blokes there who said they heard it all and couldn’t believe how one, the bloke was such a clown, and two, how well I kept my cool.

Genny was off by the time I got back to the van lol.

They trundled off to the show around 1030 and were packed up and gone by the time we got back to start on some food around 1630. Peaceful for the rest of the weekend, and quite a good show (Castle Combe Steam rally, Saturday and Sunday)

Wiltshire born, Wiltshire bred,
Strong in the arm and thick in the head.

I think I would also give him a shoeing if he took a pop at me.
Yeah you have to accept them at shows but there should be a cut off time. Saying that I remember one British Grand Prix (500cc) at Donnington years ago when we were awoken in the middle of the night with a bunch of drunks jumping a Honda 50 over tents!! They did get a talking to from some rather big rough arsed bikers and when we got up next day there was just a frame and rims left on one of the bonfires haha
Yeah you have to accept them at shows but there should be a cut off time. Saying that I remember one British Grand Prix (500cc) at Donnington years ago when we were awoken in the middle of the night with a bunch of drunks jumping a Honda 50 over tents!! They did get a talking to from some rather big rough arsed bikers and when we got up next day there was just a framework and rims left on one of the bonfires haha
That's the way to do it.
God never pays his debts with money.
Did he have Motorhome Fun flag flying?

STOP that I will not be maligned.
Anyhow a little tiny bit of water in the tank would stop it after you get back in and he could not start it, until he drained the carb of, and would not do that in the dark.
I have a much better genny than that it has a 350cc diesel engine and sound like a Deltic going. AND IT smokes like one as well.
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saw a genny burst into flame in maroc when somebody tipped half a cup of petrol over it . who knew these things were so flammable ?

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