gaslow advice please


We're going to Spain October for 6 Months on one site, so, will not be able to re-fill the gaslow bottles without a LOT of hassle. Would it be possible to buy a Spanish bottle to leave outside to locker and a pipe to the wall mounted gaslow valve so I can shut off the gaslow bottles and just keep changing the Spanish one, I've mailed gaslow twice but no response, all advice appreciated, rog
Thanks *****, I have filled them in Spain last year but this year we're on site for 6 Months so it would mean taking the safari room off each time I wanted to re-fill, rog
We're going to Spain October for 6 Months on one site, so, will not be able to re-fill the gaslow bottles without a LOT of hassle. Would it be possible to buy a Spanish bottle to leave outside to locker and a pipe to the wall mounted gaslow valve so I can shut off the gaslow bottles and just keep changing the Spanish one, I've mailed gaslow twice but no response, all advice appreciated, rog

What region in Spain are you staying.
If you are on a site will you have electric? If so would it be better to take a small electrical heater and kettle (watch what amperage the site offers) In that case would not 2 bottles last if just being used for cooking?
Hogan, just South of Alicante, 'La Marina'. Ian, if I need central heating I'll be really p___ed off! , good idea though, I've seen small tabletop ovens in camping shops and I've got underfloor heating that runs on electricity (including the bed) just in case, thanks both, rog
when in spain we sometimes use campingaz R907 bottles around £4 to exchange at most campsites or supermarkets and do all the cooking outside or if cold in the awning
we also use a greenhouse electric heater on a low steerni for the chilly nights
may be a small electric cooker might be cheaper to run if on a site as most spanish sites include it in the pich price so why not use it
Hi guerdeval we have Gaslow I think it was Elche where they sold autogas, I would say you should give the van a run in your 6 month trip, If you are on site with Electric you will not use that much Gas, there are alot of different gas bottles in Spain I think around Alicante they are the red ones with the push on adaptor. Gaslow do the adaptor but I think if you want to go down that route keep looking I have seen a lot for sale where people have brought them home and advertise them: HERE

Failing that buy one when you get there a lot of sites will let you have one for a long stay and just give it back when you leave or a lot go to the boot sale and pick one up once you have a bottle no problem to get a refill. But I would give the van a run once a month and keep all the parts moving, you may find your breaks or clutch seized up and your tyres will have flat spots they dont like sitting around that long. Have a good trip I wish I was coming with you. Bob.:D
The LPG Station is just outside Alicante
N 38 18 08
W 0 31 40
Not the big site on the south side of the road, the one opposite lost of Gas bottle lorries parked there and you cant see the pump from the road,it is at the back of the compound.
As a previous poster said you need to have a drive in the van every month or so,just to keep things free etc.also take your wiper blades off and put them out of the sun.
Hogan, just South of Alicante, 'La Marina'. Ian, if I need central heating I'll be really p___ed off! , good idea though, I've seen small tabletop ovens in camping shops and I've got underfloor heating that runs on electricity (including the bed) just in case, thanks both, rog

Trust me you will need central heating during the night.

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