Gas use


Full Member
Cooking breakfast this morning and went to light the grill and wondered what was happening, burnet lit then went out repeatedly. Took a little while to realise hobs had gone out as well ha ha

So I now know a 6kg gas bottle last us 32 days ;)
No, we only have 3 burner hob, grill and bbq point on gas so very little to some. It just caught me by surprise as it’s kept going so long, was on empty last weekend :)

We do make a lot of brews though so boiling the kettle may just be biggest user
We`ve just used 21/2 X 6kg refillables in 6 weeks abroad which equates to as near as damn it 31 litres of LPG with fridge and brew / cooking only.


A 6kg refillable holds 12.5 litres of LPG at 80% full according to the blurb from Gas It.
We recently did a month in Spain not much on sites, so fridge on gas 24/7 cooking and hot water, cost £7.10 when i filled it back up in the uk
We recently did a month in Spain not much on sites, so fridge on gas 24/7 cooking and hot water, cost £7.10 when i filled it back up in the uk

You can’t compare costs of refillable really as you have to add the cost difference of equipment. Because my usage is low I don’t think it stacks up buying it unless I drop on a second hand bottle and pipe work, I already have an inlet fitted from a previous owner.

Hoping for a long stint in France in the new year though and it’s possible that refillable could come in to play then. Charlie was looking at Hollingworth and he thought 11kg bottles were the realistic max in our gas locker. What size tank/bottles do you have fitted Helen?
£24 to get 12.5L of gas in a 6Kg cylinder makes those 500ml disposable gas cartridges for the portable stoves look not bad value at all when you can get them at around 65p each in bulk.

(Used 15 minutes worth on Saturday night with a portable stove to combine boiling water for a cuppa and heating the van up as the induction hob creates no heat residue and not fitted the diesel heater yet)
Summer v winter hard to correalate I was using 13 kg every 10 days when sub temps...fridge not working that hard, hob and grill, and heating which is a big take off,

5,5 m coachbuilt CI van

lots of variables really, My van had a big hab vent in the hab door a bloody nuisance for draughts in winter a big negative with that model IMHO

£24 to get 12.5L of gas in a 6Kg cylinder makes those 500ml disposable gas cartridges for the portable stoves look not bad value at all when you can get them at around 65p each in bulk.

(Used 15 minutes worth on Saturday night with a portable stove to combine boiling water for a cuppa and heating the van up as the induction hob creates no heat residue and not fitted the diesel heater yet)

It looks like I overpaid though Dave, bigger bottle is more convenient than smaller canisters although we do have a single burnet and some canisters as an emergency backup (and they were leftovers from camping). The 3 burner how and grill were installed when we bought the meh so no point changing but I prefer cooking on gas at home although I rarely cook at home haha
Summer v winter hard to correalate I was using 13 kg every 10 days when sub temps...fridge not working that hard, hob and grill, and heating which is a big take off,

5,5 m coachbuilt CI van

lots of variables really, My van had a big hab vent in the hab door a bloody nuisance for draughts in winter a big negative with that model IMHO


I only really posted to update Charlie, he almost had a heart attack at Hollingworth when I told him how long the bottle had been in use :)

It is handy to see some of the comments though as when I stop work completely anywhere I can reduce costs will be more than welcome, I have been spending on bits I don’t necessarily need this year to reduce ongoing costs, (like getting second panel fitted now). The non refillable cylinders are cheaper abroad as well so buying in Spain would make a difference and two 11kg bottles would last us a while. If a cheap refillable comes up it may be worth having one of each as the downside of those are all the posts I see where folks can get them filled.
I only really posted to update Charlie, he almost had a heart attack at Hollingworth when I told him how long the bottle had been in use :)

It is handy to see some of the comments though as when I stop work completely anywhere I can reduce costs will be more than welcome, I have been spending on bits I don’t necessarily need this year to reduce ongoing costs, (like getting second panel fitted now). The non refillable cylinders are cheaper abroad as well so buying in Spain would make a difference and two 11kg bottles would last us a while. If a cheap refillable comes up it may be worth having one of each as the downside of those are all the posts I see where folks can get them filled.

Outlay, return and practicality, seems to vary what you do where you live etc. places you visit it seems.

Gas I never had to pay for on my travels as part of my work so was lucky in that respect

You can’t compare costs of refillable really as you have to add the cost difference of equipment. Because my usage is low I don’t think it stacks up buying it unless I drop on a second hand bottle and pipe work, I already have an inlet fitted from a previous owner.

Hoping for a long stint in France in the new year though and it’s possible that refillable could come in to play then. Charlie was looking at Hollingworth and he thought 11kg bottles were the realistic max in our gas locker. What size tank/bottles do you have fitted Helen?

2 x 6kg as it won't fit any bigger in the gas locker, I bought them more for convenience rather than cost, especially for going abroad, but it also means that I don't have to wait for a bottle to be empty before filling it up, as it can be topped up at any time.
But the savings are a bonus
2 x 6kg as it won't fit any bigger in the gas locker, I bought them more for convenience rather than cost, especially for going abroad, but it also means that I don't have to wait for a bottle to be empty before filling it up, as it can be topped up at any time.
But the savings are a bonus

That was exactly my reasoning when having a refillable system fitted. For me it was all about convenience, especially when abroad. I've no regrets and as a bonus I have saved about £80 in 10 months by not locating, buying and man-handling Calor bottles (this last point is a particular hate of mine). As a return on investment it's actually not that bad. There also seems to be a ready market for second hand refillables (doesn't there, Neil?!) so one always has the option of recouping some of the initial cost should that be of interest.
I haven't used the system for space heating and greater cost savings (a faster return on investment) would be expected if it was used.

I hope this helps.

Colin :):):)
WE have refillable 11kg with Calor 11kg back-up, soon to be replaced with second 11kg refillable.

I have never calculated usage, as when we get down to a 1/4 full I fill up.

For those calculating the capital cost of refilable versus exchange, remember to deduct the cost of the exchange 'rental' - I know it might be difficult to get money back from Calor, but it might be possible to sell it on.

We can get through an 11kg in 2 days !
Just used up a 6 kg in 6 days in summer just running the fridge and hot water /cooking
Refillable cylinders are great if you live near an lpg supplier.
I need to travel to fill up the refillable and hopefully get a couple of the Calor cylinders filled too :banana:

When you went by your previous moniker, Charlie, I would have thought that you are deliberately trying to provoke a response
but under the camouflage of a name change I suspect that you're trying to provoke a response.

Colin :):):)
Was there a reason you went for 6’s Colin as I am sure you could get what I can if not bigger?
£21.85 from Calor, just under £20.00 at go outdoors.
So glad I have a refillable.

Wow is it me who is tight or is that a lot, no idea how long mine lasts as we top up each time we fuel up if theres a pump,

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