OK now we need some more details!!!
When you turn onto gas the piezo electronic igniter should start to spark - often you can hear it.
If/when the gas goes out after a few seconds (upto about 30) the piezo should start up again.
If it does not start then there is a problem with the electronics - not much can be done DIY other than checking that all of the 12V connectors are providing a good circuit. Its not uncommon for the spade connectors to build up a layer of oxide which prevents continuity so just unplug them one at a time and re-seat them to establish a good contact.
If the piezo starts once the gas has gone out, then its likely (as said above) that the thermocouple is responsible for your woes. On startup the electronics override the gas out function of the thermocouple and will produce a larger flame to get the fridge going, the flame is then "turned down" for running normally. Initially try moving the thermocouple into the flame, check that the outer copper sheathing is not damaged or badly twisted, if there is a lot of soot on the burner give it a clean with a stiff brush and vacuum.
After that its off to a repair service!!!