Garmin Sat Nav: 250W Nuvi

David & Ann

Full Member
Can anyone help me out on this one. Just got myself a Garmin. I have no problem following instructions as to how to work it. One little thing. I can't see the options how I can set the route over N or D roads in Europe. Example: I am at Calais and I want to go to Madrid. I type in my destination and it works it all out for me. Question is, how can I tell it I want the N roads and not the Highways. Perhaps there is someone who can advice me. Thanks.
Hi David&Ann,I don't think you can.I have the same and can only manage to avoid tolls,I'd be happy if this is wrong and someone can tell us:)

Can anyone help me out on this one. Just got myself a Garmin. I have no problem following instructions as to how to work it. One little thing. I can't see the options how I can set the route over N or D roads in Europe. Example: I am at Calais and I want to go to Madrid. I type in my destination and it works it all out for me. Question is, how can I tell it I want the N roads and not the Highways. Perhaps there is someone who can advice me. Thanks.

garmins have settings for the fastest route ect if you want it to take
you through certain roads you have to get the good old map out
and track the route entering the the points on route you wish to take as detours

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