Garmin nuvi Sat Nav, us after downloading new maps.i


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I have a Garmin Nuvi 255W Sat Nav, some while ago I paid around £70 for lifetime updates. A few weeks ago I checked for updates and it said new ones were available so I downloaded them. Now when I turn on the sat nav the country location is shown as France, when I change it to England it will not recognise any UK post codes. I've tried selecting "Home" as a destination, as I guessed the post code location would still be intact, the sat nav did start to take me home but the on screen map showed my car wandering around and not staying steady on the road, the spoken directions were in points of the compass, i.e. it will say "In 0.5 miles Turn South West" and not "In 0.5 miles turn right". I checked what maps were loaded and it says: CN Europe NT 2012 30 (1) Central Region. Any idea what I can do to fix it, I'm going to try ringing Garmin support tomorrow.
Hind sight is a wonderful thing !!! Sorry !!!

I backup the whole of my file system on the Garmin, prior to uploading any POI, map updates, or any other update.

I am presuming you haven't.

If you had you could simply overwrite the whole of the Garmin nuvi files and all would be back to how it was prior to the update.

Once again sorry !!
Hi, I have been using Garmin for several years & not come across this particular problem before, all the others,just not this one.

It must be something to do with the unit’s reception from the satellite.
If you turn it on outside in front of your property & it locates where you are, you can then enter this in as home. If this does not work --
then apart from reloading everything I dunno.

Dezi :pc:
This happened to my Nuvi 5000 when I first used the lifetime updater program. I called Garmin and explained my problem and the kind lady asked me to email her. When I clicked on her reply she was able to interogate the device attached to my laptop and sorted out some problems on line then loaded the latest maps. It happened again the next time I tried and repeated the process.

I have just updated mine this moring using the updater and everything went fine.

I have found Garmin to be very helpfull.

Thanks for the replies Folks. I've spoken to Garmin, they emailed me a procedure for reloading the Northern Europe maps it seems I downloaded the Central Europe map which caused an overload problem. When I have it working I'll post the results may help someone else.
Eureka!!, just as John Thompson said those Garmin support guys were brilliant, they talked me through the download procedure, their patience with an old IT duffer like me was exemplary. One problem I was having was because I was using my 10" net book and due to the small screen size it was hiding the button you need to get the drop down list where you select the maps you want to download, the button was hidden in the bottom left hand corner of the webpage. They also enlightened me as to backing up the files and downloading extra maps to an SD card. All easy when you know how...what?
Just remember when putting maps into the Garmin - normally in the "garmin" folder of your GPS and are named "gmapprom.img"

But when you download a map to your SD card are named "gmapsupp.img" and must be put into a blank folder named Garmin.

I may be wrong but I think your machine (if it's an older model) may only have an internal memory of about 1.9gb and will only read cards up to 2gb. Hence you may have run out of free space by putting too larger map in last time - the latest units have 4gb of space!! And will take the whole of Europe, rather than just East or West EU.
Just remember when putting maps into the Garmin - normally in the "garmin" folder of your GPS and are named "gmapprom.img"

But when you download a map to your SD card are named "gmapsupp.img" and must be put into a blank folder named Garmin.

I may be wrong but I think your machine (if it's an older model) may only have an internal memory of about 1.9gb and will only read cards up to 2gb. Hence you may have run out of free space by putting too larger map in last time - the latest units have 4gb of space!! And will take the whole of Europe, rather than just East or West EU.
Thanks Nosha, I think my 255w has 2gb of internal memory. I'll paste part of an email I received from Garmin support which mentioned downloading extra maps onto a 4gb SD card. However, in future I'll be joining the ranks of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" brigade.

Quote: "The new mapping has a lot of extra detail and this has increased the
size of the file more than the previous years increases. This increase
means that you can get a region of the mapping on the unit depending on
the space you have available. The mapping you need to load via the
update is the main region that you need on the unit.
I would suggest that you download Western Europe region onto your
device. To get additional maps you need to run map update again and
install all Europe on to your computer. Then you can send additional
regions onto a 4 gb SD card.
For map update instructions please see attached guide".

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