Garmin Camper Sat Nav and Speed Limits


Full Member
I was driving back home on Sunday Evening and noticed something a bit odd on the display of my Garmin Camper 660LMT SatNav and I am wondering if it is:
a) Something odd about how the Garmin Speed Limit Warning works?; or
b) Something about UK Speed Limits I am not aware of?

I have the Garmin set so my vehicle is 4.6t GVW, so an HGV under 7.5t. I understand that sets the maximum limits to be as follows:
Motorway: 70MPH
Dual Carriageway: 60MPH (rather than 70MPH)
Single Carriageway: 50MPH (rather than 60MPH)

So driving home on virtually all single carriageway roads (maybe 400 metres of Dual Carriageway in the whole journey) I was seeing an indicated limit of 50 with a little lorry symbol at the bottom of the red circle just about whenever I looked - I am guessing that was the indication of a 60 limit being adjusted for a heavy vehicle?
But on one road - still single carriageway - I noticed it changed to an indicated limit of 60 and NO lorry symbol? Then later on on a different road and back to the 50 + lorry image.

Is this a Garmin error, or are some single carriageway roads a 60MPH limit for HGVs under 7.5t? I am wondering if there is a subtle difference between roads marked with an actual posted speed limit (30, 40 , 50, 60, etc) and those marked with the White circle with Black Line to indicate 'National Speed Limit' - and the adjusted limits I quoted above are for roads with National Speed Limit designation only?
It is rare to see a 60 Limit posted on single Carriageway, but you do get them occasionally, same as Dual Carriageways and Motorways quite often have 70 signs instead of National Speed Limit signs for some reason.

Anyone know or have seem similar on their Garmin Camper? (only applicable if vehicle set to be over 3.5t I would think)
Single carriageway for HGV is 50 and never 60. Sound like incorrect Garmin. I have a Garmin but find Waze app superior to most other methods but no bigger vehicle inputs.
The universal 50 limit for HGV is what I am aware of as well.
The vehicle setting on the Garmin is not ideal in fact now I have checked the options you can use in the settings... it assumes that if you are over 3.5t you have HGV limits, but that is not necessarily always the case of course, as if you are a Motor Caravan and under 3.05t ULW, than you have car limits even if over 3.5t GVW.

But you want to set the weight right for weak roads and bridges.

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