Deleted member 967
Originally Posted by 44pat44
Hi All, Thinking of living full time in mobile home. Will tour Europe mostly. How many of you do this? or am I being too head in the clouds.
I am about to go full time from April next year.
There are a number of threads on this subject just type "full timing" into the search.
I have read about problems with banking and getting a house on rent when you give up.
My problems has been with Doctors. We are both on repeat prescriptions and don't realy want to give up using our local practice. We spoke to a doctor who informed us that we had to have a residential address within the practice boundaries or the records would be sent back to the local NHS. If we needed to consult a doctor we could do so anywhere but they would then send for our records. They would then send them to their local NHS when we left their practice area. To me this is going to lead to our records being lost in the system very quickly. We cannot get our records to carry with us either.
The answer seems to be to use a relatives address in the practice area and just keep returning for check ups as we can get repeat prescriptions by post.
Another point is that if you are out of the country for over 3 months you are supposed to return your NHS number, keep a note of it and apply for it again on your return.
Initialy our practice agreed to a six months prescription when we told them we planned to be in Spain for most of the winter but when we tried to get one they provaricated and we have finished up with three months. We will try again with another doctor in the practice as the old hands seem more ameniable than the younger ones.
This may not be a problem for the younger members but as you get older it is something that needs to be considered.
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