Fuel strike


Latest news as at 12.15 Friday - NO STRIKE OVER EASTER - happy hols everyone, get those wheels rolling :banana:
Good news... anyway it will give them more time to go to ACAS and get the dispute settled like it should be, not by strikes. Whichever way you look at it, and despite assurances "emergency supplies will be available" we are so dependent on fuel across the economy, that these strikes are bound to cause directly or indirectly deaths and hardship especially for the old and infirm.
Found out today that as a country we only have 3 days of fuel stocked, so if everyone keeps buying up the fuel like they are, I am surprised that we haven't run out yet.

I thought it was illegal to stock more than a gallon of fuel at home as you need permits from the Fire Brigade and special places to store it because it is so flammable! There were people on the news filling up 5 or 6 x 5 gallon containers - why aren't they being stopped? This panic buying is ridiculous as there isn't even a strike yet and by the time there is (if ever) then everyone will have used up their full tanks and will have to start all over again.

It beggers belief.
Panic buying is stupid, agreed. Probably current H+S over storing fuel is a bit OTT. I store spare fuel all the time for the genny albeit in small cans with adequate expansion.

And those huge fuel dumps in the war never exploded till they threw a grenade in the fuel ;) If it is stored in the right conditions it is safe, but as you say it may be stored in the wrong conditions.
let's hope all those panic buyers have heard the news too? Can't believe all the Q's at the stations last couple of days! Madness?

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