Froggie's Spain/Portugal adventure


For those interested, some facts and figures re Froggies latest trip

BTW, in spite of a 100% trouble free trip, I am now selling Froggie!!!!:wave:

Iberia Map annottaded.jpg

Froggie Spain / Portugal trip 7/4/2017 to 25/7/2017
Total distance, door to door................1670Miles
Total distance in Spain / Portugal .....1230Miles
Max altitude reached 1107m, 3632ft (Portugese/Spanish border)
Fuel burned (UK Gallons) .................61.3 Gallons
MPG for trip.......................................27.24Mpg
Oil used.............................................0
Other fluids incl coolant used............0
Total nights away...............................18
Nights on ship(s) ...............................2
Night stops:-
1 Cap Finistere Ferry
2 Cabarceno Aire
3 Colunga Campsite
4 Cadavedo Campsite
5 Foz Aire
6 A Coruna (Pillars of Hercules) Aire
7 Leis Campsite
8 Leis Campsite
9 Finisterre Aire
10 Arcade Aire
11 Amarante Campsite
12 Vila Real Campsite
13 Braganca Aire
14 Braganca Aire
15 Leon Aire
16 Burgos Aire
17 Cabarceno Aire
18 Pont Aven Ferry
Nights on Ferries..................2
Nights on Aires ....................10
Nights on Campsites...........6
Pics taken............................400
Wine brought back...............19 (Incl Port)
Total Cost (Incl Ferries and door to door here) £1986 (£52.26 per day per person)
Wow, you went time travelling. What's the future like?


Unless we get Corbyn or other assorted FCUKWITS, in which case, Froggie is heading Spainwards ...........................permanently!!!:idea-007:
Don't look to good as he's selling up

The future for Froggie is ROSY too!

I bought it 3 yrs ago, about as good a one as I could find, (took a year of looking) have spent vast amounts of time and money on it ever since, IMHO it is now probably the best one in the UK.

But, we have to part ways, we need a more modern and adaptable Mh, so are going for a PVC, most likely a Warwick Duo. Froggie has now travelled 104000 miles, all of that time as a motorhome, and just performed perfectly in Spain on the last trip, so in that 104000 miles many previous owners must also have had lots of adventures as we have.

It will be sad to see it go, but then, if it goes to a new owner who looks after it then it will give pleasure for many years to come. It is absolutely sound underneath (and on top!), no known issues and certainly nothing which bothered it on its last trip, incl a climb to 1100m!:tongue:

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