French/spanish food


I am a very lucky man to have a wife who is a wonderfully imaginative cook. As my grandchildren say "Nan could make dog poo taste nice"
We have lived and worked in most of the Middle East, in some rather uncivilized parts back in the late 50's to mid 70's, particularly in Iran and Libya. During these years she managed to keep me and our two sons happily and healthily fed from the most basic and unusual supplies.
We are off to Spain and France this month for about 8 weeks and I know that we shall, as we have on many other visits, be unimpressed when eating out despite the reputation both the French and Spanish have for food.
Spanish Paella..... Great BUT what else? The French Moules Mariniers with Crusty Bread and a bottle of Muscadet ..... Great BUT what else?
What do you all think of European food? Have I just been spoilt or are us Brits actually better cooks?
i've always believed that we were conned years ago,either by the french or more likely our own middle class,into believing that our clever and complex british menu was in some way inferior peasant stodge,and it's still there like a race memory,and it's still totally wrong. just take something as basic as the full english breakfast;there's nothing i've seen in europe that compares for the perfect, almost heavenly combination of flavours and textures.i mean,i like the occasional croissant,but its a bit frivolous and pointless innit? i remember reading some time ago,that a lot of the top chefs in london,of all nationalities,would meet up in the early hours when service had finished,and have a full english in a simple cafe.i rest my case,so i can finish my slice of victoria sponge with me cuppa
..... are us Brits actually better cooks?.... :(:confused:

Jeezes !!!!! :cry::help:
I've found that Greek food has been pretty reliable and I do agree with you that most of the "french" food I have eaten has left me feeling unwhelmed: Having said that, I have had some memorable meals in France but they have been pricey. They wouldn't have cost any less in the UK

When the Les Routiers were still in full swing I found that they really displayed the best of French regional cookery. They have always been affordable and I have discovered some interesting local delicacies...
The only way out of this is. If your unhappy with the food you get in the country your going to, is bring your own. or stay at home. I always bring Spanish food when i come over there.:lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::cheers:
there's somrthing in what you say.i used to keep rare breed pigs and sell the a lot of 'how could you kill them' another favourite was 'why can't you buy your meat in a supermarket like normal people' and of course'don't like the meat it tastes funny' trying to explain that if we don't eat these breeds they'll die out,or that the meat in shops,even though it doesn't look it,also came from an animal,and that funny taste is what pork tastes like,was so much wasted breath.we're getting more removed from our food sources,but my butcher reckons he's selling more offal these days as times get tighter so maybe we'll see people gathering snails on a dewy morni ng soon
I love different tastes from around the world.

One of the best pieces of advice was, look for crowds of locals in a café/restaurant and if off the beaten track, buy at bus/railway stations as the turnover of food is quick so doesn't get time to deteriorate.

In Goa I was told, it's been big waves for several days, don't eat the fish!!

In other words, the fishermen hadn't been out to sea, so the fish was several days old!!

In Britain, we are generally too lazy to cook, hence so many prepared quick meals.

I tried to explain to someone who was struggling with money, the more someone does for you, the more it's going to cost!

Packets of ready peeled vegetables in supermarkets are bound to be more expensive that the unadulterated ones you buy.

Dirty potatoes will last a lot longer than washed.

Mention getting the kids involved by peeling and cutting up veg and there's a look of horror, they might injure themselves. How do we learn hand, eye, pain co-ordination???

But that means getting your hands dirty and using effort, not a very modern British thing to do!!

I appreciate there will be many on this site that are savvy about such things, but that's why we are a breed unto ourselves, much superior than yer average Brit???
I hate what we call played around with food such as the celebrity chefs ? produce on TV, except possibly J . O. one mouth full and it would be all gone, we prefer good wholesome cooking and France and Spain have fabulous raw foodstuffs to produce magnificent meals, fish to die for , markets selling locally produced meat, cheese and veg etc, we eat out often but can produce great meals in our van ourselves and love to barbi as much as possible, Portugal produces a meal called Bitoque, it is usually flame cooked pork or chicken, chips or boiled potatoes, really good fresh salad and comes for about 5 Euros sold in most bars and Restaurants and is always a great meal, works for us.
I am afraid that an awful lot of people think that a nice piled up plate is a good meal !
Speaking for myself it just puts me off totally !
I would rather have someting I really enjoy and be left wanting more than to feel stuffed and bloated ?
We have a local restaraunt which serves good food although not the best but I like the fact that all the veg and potatoes are served separately so you do not have to look at a mound on a plate ?

You don't venture to the States then!!

That said, there are good restaurants there, but the majority I've been to pile it high, even for my appetite it's a lot

Why do a lot of celeb chefs insist on garlic and chilli in everything?

I prefer simple food cooked well. In particular Middle Eastern.
Where i live (St Neots, Cambs) This is known as chitterlings, and you are right, absolutely delicious!

With the exception of wild boar, three years living in france I saw nothing to convince me that their cuisine is superior to British

I would agree that as an example, immigrants have bought fish and chip shops and are of the opinion quantity overused quality.

30 years ago, the British palette for wine was blue nun or black tower look how things have moved on I believe the same of food.

There is a lot of pretentiousness with French cuisine, we too have food to be proud of
That said I would have loved to have worked with escoffier

Hihihi, actually in french restaurant, the season of frogs'legs is starting :p
Names and Places Wanted

When I first started this thread I was hoping that somebody out there would say "here you are ,THIS is the place to go for a really good meal at a reasonable price" No such luck.
I do thoroughly agree that there are amazing amounts of fresh vegetables, fish, and meat available particularly in open air markets and also in French supermarkets. Spanish supermarkets , in my opinion, not quite so good.
I also agree that the French and Spanish do tend to be healthier than us Brits probably because of the amount of fresh fruit and fish they eat compared to us.
I also believe that many examples of good cooking can be found in many French and Spanish homes. I was often invited to eat with my neighbours in Spain and had some very pleasant meals.
I lived in Spain for ten years and travelled quite a lot and still maintain that not many reasonably priced restaurants provided memorable food. Usually a fresh, but mediocre salad, or average soup for a starter. Followed by a main course of grilled pork, chicken, hake or tuna, a handful of (normally frozen) chips and some mixed veg. The latter can be found in jars in all Spanish supermarkets. Not a sign of all that beautiful veg in the market. As for calamari! I have eaten this in the Paris Hilton- Absolutely delicious. In Spanish restaurants- Like Cardboard! Snails in Basle - Lovely. In Spain - Rubbery!
Desserts ..... Crème Caramel (Flan) Rice Pudding (Arroz con Leche) Ice Cream (Helado)

By the way....... Kenspain what foods do you bring with you to England? I used to bring Mejillones in olive oil or “escepecho”, jars of pitted green olives, and of course a few bottles of vino tinto.

Bigpeetee...... Good food in the Middle East? I can only recall Chelo Kebab and Jujey Kebab and Gorme Sabsi in Iran, Ethiopian Hotpot in Cairo, Nothing in Libya, Tunisia ...yes OK loads of good quality fish and the best lobster ever in a very expensive hotel in Algiers.

I have to say that having spent quite a lot of time in France i really miss their food. The stuff in the shops and markets is just that bit nicer than here. IMO.

Meals we have had out have ranged from rubbish to very good but we have never spent a fortune. I tend not to eat out here or abroad much anymore as 9 times out of 10 there is something that disappoints. I too years ago lived of a bottemless expense account and have eaten in some pretty good places around the world. Its just too expensive now and I would rather spend a couple of hours in a French Market stocking up on my favourite cheese and other treats.

I like the French attitude to food. Eating well seems to be a national pastime. Even the truckers on the service stations get a table and cloth out and eat proper stuff rather than stuffing a Ginsters Pasty down like the might here.

Cant wait to get back there. Ive not got the same love for Spanish food though.
Our local butcher has,for many years, beaten the French at Black pudding making although they call them boudon noir.
Now the favourite of all the poncy chefs who at one time thought it was 'so Northern' and can't wait to use it.
I like offal Sweetbreads,lamb frys,heart,liver,ox and pigs tail and ears and cheek. But you have to go to a traditional meat or farmers market,you're lucky to get liver at a supermarket.
The French call us Le Rosbif because we taught them how to do it!
When I first started this thread I was hoping that somebody out there would say "here you are ,THIS is the place to go for a really good meal at a reasonable price" No such luck.
I do thoroughly agree that there are amazing amounts of fresh vegetables, fish, and meat available particularly in open air markets and also in French supermarkets. Spanish supermarkets , in my opinion, not quite so good.
I also agree that the French and Spanish do tend to be healthier than us Brits probably because of the amount of fresh fruit and fish they eat compared to us.
I also believe that many examples of good cooking can be found in many French and Spanish homes. I was often invited to eat with my neighbours in Spain and had some very pleasant meals.
I lived in Spain for ten years and travelled quite a lot and still maintain that not many reasonably priced restaurants provided memorable food. Usually a fresh, but mediocre salad, or average soup for a starter. Followed by a main course of grilled pork, chicken, hake or tuna, a handful of (normally frozen) chips and some mixed veg. The latter can be found in jars in all Spanish supermarkets. Not a sign of all that beautiful veg in the market. As for calamari! I have eaten this in the Paris Hilton- Absolutely delicious. In Spanish restaurants- Like Cardboard! Snails in Basle - Lovely. In Spain - Rubbery!
Desserts ..... Crème Caramel (Flan) Rice Pudding (Arroz con Leche) Ice Cream (Helado)

By the way....... Kenspain what foods do you bring with you to England? I used to bring Mejillones in olive oil or “escepecho”, jars of pitted green olives, and of course a few bottles of vino tinto.

Bigpeetee...... Good food in the Middle East? I can only recall Chelo Kebab and Jujey Kebab and Gorme Sabsi in Iran, Ethiopian Hotpot in Cairo, Nothing in Libya, Tunisia ...yes OK loads of good quality fish and the best lobster ever in a very expensive hotel in Algiers.


When i come back which is not very often now as for me to many changes. I only bring it if i drive my own olives my own olive oil my own wine from our grape and from my friend the best chorizo i have every had.I never buy from supermarkets always from our local market or local shops. And I would never buy English food here in Spain.:cheers:
MMMmmmmm moules and frites lovely but as my Belgian friends will tell you theirs are bigger and better and you get more for your euro.And god forbid I call them french fries. "Belgians invented chips not the french"
Even so I still sometime pretend to forget and ask if anyone wants french fries just to pull their legs.
slightly of topic but my pet hate everywhere is the grey sludge that passes for mushrooms at so many places i love mushrooms when they are cooked properly and adore a full english but hate those tinned or ready chopped so many places serve
minimum wage cookery

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