Hello all again well just as i have started to sort out lost window (210.00 lighter in my bank) we get quote for fixing step anything up to £600.00 + great and now have found where leak was in corner of van behind step so have just dug out all damp wood looks great now !!!!! if you like being able to see the outside of the van from inside the wardrobe !!!! ahahah never mind keep calm it is fixable but will have to be done by me not garage will just leave step to them. Anyway on too brighter subjects for all you out and abouters this year Broadford C0-op on Isle of Skye has public toilets oppposite its car park next to the church with a working cold water tap hurrah also large toilet that you if need be can empty your loo but please remember to leave it immaculate quick wipe around takes no time. We also managed to get water on first arriving over the bridges to near Dunfermlin in an open village hall just filled up a large carry container they were in there voting (not sure what for something to do with the country saw no papers or news for a week so lost all sense of life as we know it) however back to the nice lady in the hall she would not even take the offer of some money for the hall funds so worth remembering if you see one open another time. My bestest friend in all the world came with us with her hubby and she has now become one of us on this forum (rentacrowd) with reference to what she was at my wedding out of our motorhome three years ago, she was also chief bridesmaid, and photographer, as with all us women she can multi-task.So to play safe i warn you all now she is completely mad!!!!! but my best friend anyway xxxx