France Wildcamping

All we do in the motorway Aires is stop, use the loo and pick chestnuts and walnuts. After washing our hands of course.
Tempting fate, but since at least back as 2018, we stopped on the Autoroute Lorry Park near Alencon, pushed the seats back as far as they would go [back of the car laden with all the kit that wouldn't fit in the caravan] and went to sleep for 3-4 hours to supplement the doze on the overnight Newhaven-Dieppe Ferry. That's at least 1/2 dozen trips on the outbound leg

Tempting fate, but since at least back as 2018, we stopped on the Autoroute Lorry Park near Alencon, pushed the seats back as far as they would go [back of the car laden with all the kit that wouldn't fit in the caravan] and went to sleep for 3-4 hours to supplement the doze on the overnight Newhaven-Dieppe Ferry. That's at least 1/2 dozen trips on the outbound leg

Stopped in several motorway services france and Spain. Never any bother though I do avoid those close to big cities
Tempting fate, but since at least back as 2018, we stopped on the Autoroute Lorry Park near Alencon, pushed the seats back as far as they would go [back of the car laden with all the kit that wouldn't fit in the caravan] and went to sleep for 3-4 hours to supplement the doze on the overnight Newhaven-Dieppe Ferry. That's at least 1/2 dozen trips on the outbound leg

It's OK, we've got gas masks.
Glad to hear that things haven't changed too much. On one of our previous trips we were lost so headed to a church spire on top of a hill. After a terrible effort at asking in French whether anyone would mind if we parked opposite the shop, the shop owner must have phoned the maire. He arrived in his car and proceeded to show us where to park, where the loos and water tap was. The English locals (3) were all called to come and meet us in the bar that night and the maire even came and bought us a drink the next night.
Coulimer should still be on the WC app, along with others we submitted. Perhaps we'll return on this visit.
Oh yes please do add it. The car park by the cemetery has a height barrier.
Summer 2022..
We toured for 5 weeks.
1 x the new camping aires
1 x simple campsite
Several "old aires" .
Also carparks
Rest areas by the side of the road (large laybys)
Less than £50 all told.
No hassles.
Dumping and watering all ok
2022 France stopovers

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