For those that abuse ou Poppy Day

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5759
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Deleted member 5759


This land was built from blood and tears....
The sacrifice of 2000 years...
The Romans came...
The Vikings too...
So why would we be afraid of you?....
But mark my words and mark them well....
It was 1066 since we last fell......
when it comes to a fight ....
We hate to lose.....
So respect our dead...or chose!

This land was built from blood and tears....
The sacrifice of 2000 years...
The Romans came...
The Vikings too...
So why would we be afraid of you?....
But mark my words and mark them well....
It was 1066 since we last fell......
when it comes to a fight ....
We hate to lose.....
So respect our dead...or chose!

Agreed 100%....but I would like to add.....Don't go to foreign lands to kill innocents for political and material gain disguised as "the cause of freedom". Those victims don't ever get counted, are not considered important and are never remembered.
& how about this.....not a single poppy visible amongst 100's of people at My step-daughter's graduation ceremony on friday..(left mine on My coat as had to be in 'whistle' for the occasion..)
...Found out why, talking to another proud parent:- He'd actually been ASKED to remove his poppy upon entering the Univ. Building!!!
I'll stop now before another anti-PC rant clouds My memories of this W/E!!!!!
People could either have refused or put the poppy back on once they were inside.

People show respect in their own ways...many choose to wear the poppy. Many choose not to wear a poppy, but their money goes in the tin, all the same.
People could either have refused or put the poppy back on once they were inside.

People show respect in their own ways...many choose to wear the poppy. Many choose not to wear a poppy, but their money goes in the tin, all the same.

I agree. I choose not to wear a poppy. It doesn't mean I don't remember, though. My father fought in WW2. One of my grandfathers was gassed at the Somme in WW1. They had no choice but to fight. They were of age, they were fit, and the world was at war. I can never forget the sacrifices made: health, youth, family, life. And the same now - especially in the dreadful (and some might say hopeless) war in Afghanistan.

I don't need to wear anything to show I remember, though of course I respect people who do.

People shouldn't need to feel guilty about making that choice.

I think he makes some valid points. I think he's far too dismissive, though. 'Pathetic' and 'despise' are pretty harsh terms. I'm sure many people will rightly be outraged by this.

I think some people feel morally obliged to wear poppies, though - or do so because they're afraid others will look down on it if they don't. That's wrong.

Equally, I think it's wrong that some people get abused for wearing a white poppy, both to show remembrance and symbolise peace. What's wrong with that?

This article gives some perspective on it all:
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Many brave men and women gave everything for us. The very least we can do is remember them.
I'm proud to wear a RED poppy.
If you want to quote the poem about poppys, isn't this the one?

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
So some people wear a poppy because everyone else is wearing one? Well that's fine with me so long as they put money in the tin.
I think its the bit about 'Take up our quarrel with the foe' some people find offensive?

Because we keep being pushed into more and more wars?
The paradox of course is that those injured at work often get better treatment, in that they can get far higher levels of compensation than members of the armed forces. There is plenty of evidence of office workers with some repetitive strain syndrome from operating a keyboard, being awarded many times more than a soldier who loses his limbs. Besides which the average work-related claim normally bears no comparison to the horrific injuries visited on those who are blown up or shot.

Who can begrudge our young soldiers receiving the finest medical treatment and after-care?
I think its the bit about 'Take up our quarrel with the foe' some people find offensive?

Because we keep being pushed into more and more wars?

Really? I suspect that 99% of the population don't even know the line in question and know even less about the history and origin of the poem. Apart from which, if you have a foe who is threatening you, are we wrong to take up our quarrel with him?

Were we wrong to stop German aggression in two world wars? When we see where a Nazi victory would have led, I'm very happy that we took up our quarrel with the foe!

And we must remember of course that it was written during the the carnage of Flanders fields, when the quarrel had already been taken up, which is rather different than if it had been written before the war, when pacifists could claim that it was an incitement to combat. Still, I don't really expect certain people to understand that, or even care about it when they're trotting out their usual liberal-left agenda!
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I have had to moderate this thread....

Expressing your views is fine, attacking others for their views is not!

So I ask you.
Think about the life you and your family enjoy.
Then be silent for a minute.
Say thank you to those who paid for it.
Be grateful for the freedom you have.
Were we wrong to stop German aggression in two world wars? When we see where a Nazi victory would have led, I'm very happy that we took up our quarrel with the foe!

Britain declared war on Germany to get Hitler out of Poland. Then left Poland with Stalin who was just as bad. It might have worked out better if we had left Hitler and Stalin to annihilate each other. But we have to pretend it was all worthwhile to 'justify' the catastrophic cost of it.
Whilst I can understand that I can see another point of view. Pretending it was all worthwhile, making a hero out of Churchill, can only encourage more politicians to send us into war. As they have done.
I think it is time this thread was blocked as it has gone off topic.

We remember the Glorious Dead in silence on Remembrance Day, we do not argue the rights and wrongs of wars.

If anyone wants to argue, then do it by PM.

Like many others, I lost family in both World Wars. They are in my thoughts more than just once a year. Give them the respect they deserve.
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