donkey too
Thought I would start a new thread on this very interesting subject. So lets have your posetive comments and food suggestions/recipes please.
First of all it is reletively easy to survive in UK on wild food as long as you know what you are doing. and are willing to take advice. I do not believe as some have voiced, about taking all day to gather etc. I have lived in Wales for 13 months at one time with no contact with other humans and entirely on free food. the only 2 things I imported at the start was Salt (very inportant especialy if there is a shortage of veg and you are living almost entirely on meat for any time) and Oat meal. (I can't go without my oats)
So I shall start the ball rolling with this snipet which I knew about since my army days but have yet to try. Intend to do so this year.
Regarding Tapping - basically Acer as far as I know are all syrup bearing trees, now I know Maple, Birch, Sycamore, are all Acers, take a look how similar the leaves are! Any of these can be tapped, all you need to do is drill into the bark about 1/2 inch or just over 1cm, and your sap will begin to run out assuming you do this at the right time of year. What you do is go to a local wine making shop, buy a pipe and a demijohn, then chose a drill bit the exact same size as the pipe, drill a small hole, wedged my pipe in, and put the other end into the demijohn and leave it over night. The next day you should have 1/2 gallon from tree! A water much like coconut water,
YOU MUST PLUG THE HOLE afterwards, or else you could cause major damage to the tree... This is done by cutting a branch from the same tree which is a little thicker than the hole, cleaning the bark off, and then slightly tapering it, much like a sink plug, then hammering the plug into the hole. If you have difficulty, maybe make your home a little deeper and your plug a little longer!
N.B: You can only tap a tree in the first 3 weeks of March, unless we are having a particularly late spring! Also I know no way of storing this juice, bar putting in an air tight glass bottle with no air inside for upto a week or maybe 2?... Other than this they process it as far as I can tell, either into sugar syrup or alcohol...
• If anyone else can help more, please add comment
First of all it is reletively easy to survive in UK on wild food as long as you know what you are doing. and are willing to take advice. I do not believe as some have voiced, about taking all day to gather etc. I have lived in Wales for 13 months at one time with no contact with other humans and entirely on free food. the only 2 things I imported at the start was Salt (very inportant especialy if there is a shortage of veg and you are living almost entirely on meat for any time) and Oat meal. (I can't go without my oats)
So I shall start the ball rolling with this snipet which I knew about since my army days but have yet to try. Intend to do so this year.
Regarding Tapping - basically Acer as far as I know are all syrup bearing trees, now I know Maple, Birch, Sycamore, are all Acers, take a look how similar the leaves are! Any of these can be tapped, all you need to do is drill into the bark about 1/2 inch or just over 1cm, and your sap will begin to run out assuming you do this at the right time of year. What you do is go to a local wine making shop, buy a pipe and a demijohn, then chose a drill bit the exact same size as the pipe, drill a small hole, wedged my pipe in, and put the other end into the demijohn and leave it over night. The next day you should have 1/2 gallon from tree! A water much like coconut water,
YOU MUST PLUG THE HOLE afterwards, or else you could cause major damage to the tree... This is done by cutting a branch from the same tree which is a little thicker than the hole, cleaning the bark off, and then slightly tapering it, much like a sink plug, then hammering the plug into the hole. If you have difficulty, maybe make your home a little deeper and your plug a little longer!
N.B: You can only tap a tree in the first 3 weeks of March, unless we are having a particularly late spring! Also I know no way of storing this juice, bar putting in an air tight glass bottle with no air inside for upto a week or maybe 2?... Other than this they process it as far as I can tell, either into sugar syrup or alcohol...
• If anyone else can help more, please add comment