Folding bikes


Any one got folding bikes,what are they like, good and bad points about them.

Most folder's have rather small wheels which makes them slightly hard work and not very smooth on uneven surfaces (See inflatables/RIBs for email request).
We bought a couple of Raleigh Eclipse bikes from a local shop a few weeks ago so haven't had a lot of chance to use them so far but they seem pretty good and comfortable enough.

They have 20 (rather than 16) inch wheels and 6 speed Shimano gears so for the RRP of about £130 they are pretty good value compared to some others (e.g. Halfords do one with single gear for not a lot less).

We were lucky as we happened to visit the shop towards the end of their sale so got a bit off.

At the time Argos had them in their catalogue but couldn't find them in the on-line version when I looked a couple of minutes ago.


They sound ok.Thought i might get one for emergencies and put in top box (hope not to have one )now children grown up not bothered about bikes so much now .
Folding Bike answers

I have a selection of folding bikes and all suit different purposes.
Buy a quality well designed bike if you want a small wheeled one as many of the cheaper end of the market have poor riding positions and gearing. However all folding bikes aren't small wheeled. I have a Dahon Espresso which is a full size mountain bike that folds and travels with me in my van. When not being folded and carried the bike is no different to any full size mountain bike in use and only the hinge and catch on the frame are the tell tale that it folds. There are plenty of cheaper full sized folding mounting bikes on ebay from around £99. Look wisely and ask owners for their opinions.
fast eddie

Thanks for that, i do just want a small one to throw in top box.
Re: Bikes

I would just say after your last comment... if you have something that's easy to use or get to, you'll use it more! I'm only speaking from experience, the only time I've had a top box was on the roof of our Winnebago, so anything that went up there tended to stay up there - a bit like the loft at home. One of the best accessories we put on this motorhome is a Fiamma bike rack, it's so simple to use that although I'm not a real cyclist I will now take the bike off to go and get a paper or a beer at lunchtime!

If you have a coachbuilt I can tell you that a tandem only sticks out about 5ins either side - still NO wider than the std mirrors on any Fiat based vehicle. I bought the Tandem rail that is extra long and converted a 2 bike to a 3 bike rack which now takes a full size MTB style tandem.

Dont want to put a bike rack on this one,do want it jut in case off a emergency. I do actually keep my tables chairs tent etc in box and do use them ,some times sit on roof to look at scenery.The kayak most probaly go up there when i get one.What ever i have make sure i use it or i get rid of it.Thanks any way i no what you mean.

Sounds nice bet you have them filled,with something even if you dont need to.How much gear do you carry and hardly use ,but it is good to have it because you never no. Dare i say like a ladies hand bag, dont want to upset the other half.

I am the same,got to say the levellers only ever used once.Belive two off them still wrapped up as new.

Our Winne had external under bed storage, a huge side locker and a large roof box that someone had fitted... and STILL we filled them all (no wonder it only did 11.3mpg!).
The more space you have... = The more crap you have!
When we sold it we filled the lounge with kit which included swing balls, tennis stuff, balls, boules, a paddling pool and we've not had kids with us for years! (It was simply carried to entertain OTHER peoples kids - now I just tell 'em to sod off! It's easier... Oh the joys of becoming a grumpy old git!).
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Off Now

Got to go now a couple off cans in fridge callling me now.Also kids moaning that is second night on here there need to use now .bye:D
Dare i say like a ladies hand bag, dont want to upset the other half.
That reminds me. We bought bags with the bike for when we are transporting them. Folded they more or less fit inside and should be easy enough to transport inside the van. When we're on site we can chain them up outside.


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