Fixed LPG tank


Full Member
After 25 years of meandering through Europe with 2 x 6 Kilo gas cylinders I was a bit Hmmm Hmmm about going away for 5weeks with just a 9 Kilo fixed tank.However alls well that ends well. A quick trawl on the internet revealed 3,600 garages etc where we could refill. Spain has the least, but most major cities now have at least one garage. Portugal is better, so no problem at all. The rest of Europe is very well catered for. A check on usage before we departed revealed that we only need to fill up every 25 days to be on the safe side. ( heating runs on diesel from the fuel tank )
Result - we topped up in Portugal & again in France on the way home and came back with a full LPG tank. It aint half cheap too.
After 25 years of meandering through Europe with 2 x 6 Kilo gas cylinders I was a bit Hmmm Hmmm about going away for 5weeks with just a 9 Kilo fixed tank.However alls well that ends well. A quick trawl on the internet revealed 3,600 garages etc where we could refill. Spain has the least, but most major cities now have at least one garage. Portugal is better, so no problem at all. The rest of Europe is very well catered for. A check on usage before we departed revealed that we only need to fill up every 25 days to be on the safe side. ( heating runs on diesel from the fuel tank )
Result - we topped up in Portugal & again in France on the way home and came back with a full LPG tank. It aint half cheap too.

Hi Dezi, can you recommend somewhere to get the LPG tank fitted, cheers,
Hi Dezi,
I found in Sweden filling stations are rare, used an Lpg depot, but no problems. Spain is difficult for fill ups, used the repsol depots in the end, found a map on the Repsol website.

Happy Camping:)
Hi Dezi, can you recommend somewhere to get the LPG tank fitted, cheers,
happy travelling, Alan and Norma.

Hi, Not south of Brum no, but worry not go the route we did. Replace the old Murvi with a new one and for 43 grand you get one fitted.

Hi Dezi, can you recommend somewhere to get the LPG tank fitted, cheers,
happy travelling, Alan and Norma.

Hi, Not south of Brum no, but worry not go the route we did. Replace the old Murvi with a new one and for 43 grand you get one fitted.


Thanks Dezi, any chance of a long term 42k loan, cheers,
LPG tanks fitted

Hi Dezi, can you recommend somewhere to get the LPG tank fitted, cheers,

We had LPG tank fitted for driving purposes, on our daymon daybreak at Anglo American motors in south Wales, excellent job done by a great pair of guys, Steve and Tony. Cost to us was nothing as it was something that had to be done by the company who sold us the vehicle, but my sister used them and paid in the region of £4000. Don't know if they fit the domestic tanks or if to any other than American vehicles, but they are worth trying, their number is: 01633-250050, If you ring say hi, from Mary and Roy, bumming around in Spain. Best wishes, Mary
If the gas is just used for cooking ,heating & fridge I think a Gaslow system is what you want.
I have it fitted to my vehicle and I am pleased with it.

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