We had one of these fitted about 2 years ago after getting fed up of never getting a normal tv signal. Sorry to say but i Wish I never bothered. Unless you are a mile away from the nearest tree or post it never gets a signal. We have ended up not using it! When in the van now we don't watch tv at all now.
I hope you have more luck with yours.
HI Devonlad - what brand is that all in one TV - sounds very good.
Only the one I found on that auction site was £400!
I am just using an old Sly dish on a pole at the moment, hooked upto the USB TV Stick in to the laptop - to much messing around and too many cables
So this year getting something setup properly - not going for the dome dish just yet.
Just out of interest, how does the dish know were you are? On a Motorized dish at home you have tell it your longitude and latitude, line it up spot on the center of your arc or you will get nothing
You dont have much luck do you, The one I got is on the recommendation off a friend who is in Spain, Tortosa. & can receive most English channels.
Where mine is parked there is a huge lampost with cameras & searchlights on it, Astra2 is nearly in line of it no probs, you said 2 years ago you got yours mine is
a new model. Remember those phones 2 years ago when the signal was crap, now fine, technology hey ;-)