

Went on holiday to Greece and had a great time until we came to pack up,
All going to plan, and then the time came to winde in the canapy,(cant spell!!) and Yes!! youve guessed we couldnt get it to return, eventually we had to get some ladders and take the whole thing apart and drive around with it in the van, having had to feed it through the window to get it in, the dog was not at all pleased having even less space to lay down it took us 3 hours to sort it out. We have had this for 2 years but only used it 3 times. Has anyone else had this problem? :mad:
haven't had that problem, had problem where it wouldn't wind out and it was the piston BUT they are guaranteed for 3 years according to the leaflet which came with our canopy

How far does the Awning go out? Mrs Colpot thinks it should extend until the hinged bars are straight, but ours doesnt and I'm not so sure if it should. :confused:It has a bar which you fit and brace in the middle of it, so its not a problem, I just wondered thats all.:)
just think of the strain on the side of the van without suports it could realy damage the side unless you take the weight as soon as you can
mine winds in easyer if suported when rewinding it
i think 2.5 mtrs is the recomended limit to extend mine and it is 3.5 long
How far does the Awning go out? Mrs Colpot thinks it should extend until the hinged bars are straight, but ours doesnt and I'm not so sure if it should. :confused:It has a bar which you fit and brace in the middle of it, so its not a problem, I just wondered thats all.:)

there not supposed to be straight they all have a slight angle when fully out,you can tell this if you have sides if it went any further the sides would be too short
We had had the awning 3 years but only used it 3 times, I think somthing has gone in the mechanism, all the parts seem to be plastic, but thanks for the info.

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