ferry from demark to norway


Hi , we are planning to travel to norway in our american RV this year , could someone suggest the best route , as there seems to be a couple of choices . we plan to go from harwich to holland then travel through demark ,ferry to norway , but we are open to any suggestions on a better route . also , is wild camping accepted and do campsites have MH facilities or are there Aires ?
many thanks
NORWAY UP DOWN :: 0o9i87ujj-1.jpg picture by malarth - Photobucket We recently did a Norway trip and crossed from Germany {Puttgarden ] to Denmark {Rodbyhaven ] drove up through Denmark to Helsinger and crossed over to Sweden {Helsingborg ] no booking needed just turn up and wait for next ferry, very frequent, we then drove through Sweden and crossed the border into Norway near Grong, All very easy and fantastic scenery, no border hassle anywhere and we saw NO officials at all so all our worries about what we were not allowed to take to Norway were unfounded, Our return trip took us over the new ORESUND bridge and the tolls on that equalled the ferry fares which were 84 Euros and 86 Euros .8 metre van, tag axle. We were away for three and a half months in total and wild camped the whole time except for two nights on the camp site at Geiranger , right on the edge of the Fjord. A fabulous trip and one I would recommend to all.
00554r.jpg picture by malarth - Photobucket A mish mash of pictures here of our trip to Norway, may be of help or interest to you, Yes, you can wild camp almost anywhere on the way to and in Norway, lots of service areas on the roads ,water and toilet dumps available most everywhere, we used the VICARIOUS books edition of Scandinavia and Norway for Aires and stopovers also the Bord Atlas was very useful . Don't worry about road tolls. your number plate is read as you pass and a bill will be sent to your home address for payment on line in Sterling, no extras added or penalties, some tolls are waived on Sundays, bridges have a toll booth and you pay to pass, Sterling, Norwegian Euros and just about anything else is accepted as are Cards, be aware that tolls and ferry charges DOUBLE over 6 metres plus extra for your length, not the cheapest country to visit but we did it on a shoestring, had a fabulous time and thought it very reasonable cost wise anyway, have fun .
I dont now the best route for you, but if you take the route through sweden, maybe i can help you out with some overnightplaces.

Hälsningar/regards Jocke
thanks , every interesting comments and of great help , length will be a expensive add to our costs . though we still reckon it will be worth it . a place we have wanted to visit for a long time . life is to short to keep putting it off !
Or, you could take the ferry from Harwich(/Newcastle?) to Esbjerg, Denmark, and from there to Sweden/Norway. It seems expensive at first, but is a lot faster, and you don't have to pay for fuel/2 nights aires etc. I guess it all depends on how much time you have.
Or, you could take the ferry from Harwich(/Newcastle?) to Esbjerg, Denmark, and from there to Sweden/Norway. It seems expensive at first, but is a lot faster, and you don't have to pay for fuel/2 nights aires etc. I guess it all depends on how much time you have.
Very true Time is the key, if you have plenty as we do the slow route that we took is fantastic, Ferry from Dover to Calais and just meander to your destination, no route planned just the overall desire to tour Norway, very open ended for us and we actually find this option cheaper than living in our home in England as most of the time we are free camping and just have to buy food and Diesel and as we are not in our Bungalow there are no energy bills or water bills to pay., just the Community Tax.Don't you just love Retirement !http://s394.photobucket.com/albums/pp23/malarth/MOROCCO TRIP 09/?action=view&current=a.jpg
pictures of another great trip.
Thanks Vindiboy for both post's and photo's of your Norway trip are considering similar our selves T & C

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