Failed Truma Regulator


Van - an Adria 10 months old. Truma Secumotion Regulator failed whilst we were away a few weeks ago, presumably failure is blockage from 'plasticisers'.

Dealer does not want to know as Adria have said they will not replace blocked regulators under warranty. Dealer says this stance is the industry norm nowadays.

Anybody any recent experience of this issue and warranty?

I hope it won't happen again as I've replaced with Gaslow Clesse Regulator - 5 yr warranty - and stainless steel pipe.

(I continue to pursue the dealer on basis gas system failed and not fit for purpose under Sale of Goods Act. If no success I will take them to Small Claims Court.)

Van - an Adria 10 months old. Truma Secumotion Regulator failed whilst we were away a few weeks ago, presumably failure is blockage from 'plasticisers'.

Dealer does not want to know as Adria have said they will not replace blocked regulators under warranty. Dealer says this stance is the industry norm nowadays.

Anybody any recent experience of this issue and warranty?

I hope it won't happen again as I've replaced with Gaslow Clesse Regulator - 5 yr warranty - and stainless steel pipe.

(I continue to pursue the dealer on basis gas system failed and not fit for purpose under Sale of Goods Act. If no success I will take them to Small Claims Court.)


Hi Arthur,

Whilst it can be a problem, it is not my stance, frankly we would have given you a new one without argument

Hi Arthur,

Whilst it can be a problem, it is not my stance, frankly we would have given you a new one without argument


Thank you Peter - what a pity we're 350 miles I would have been knocking on your door re trade in 2 years time
Thank you Peter - what a pity we're 350 miles I would have been knocking on your door re trade in 2 years time

Hi Arthur,

Distance is no problem, we have sold vans all over the country.

Hi Arthur. Personally I'd keep the pressure on the dealer who sold you the reg, presumably it came new with the purchase of your new van ?

Why should it be the industry standard that parts that have failed within the warranty period will not be replaced :confused: They're hoping you'll go away.

No wish to divert your thread but I had an identical issue with Brownhills at Preston. I was met with a variety of bluffs, excuses & diversions. They eventually conceeded & sent me the new reg which bore no resemblance to the old one. It must be the same they whined. I got the correct one eventually :D Then as a final magnanimous gesture tried to claim the money back from the warranty company (van just over a year old) who told me I'd have to pay them £75.00 for the reg as I had'nt had my van serviced by Brownhills :D:D:D I rolled on the floor laughing at that one:D & put the phone down.

Good luck in your quest Arthur. I'm no expert but I suspect consumer law is on your side.

Hi Arthur. Personally I'd keep the pressure on the dealer who sold you the reg, presumably it came new with the purchase of your new van ?

Why should it be the industry standard that parts that have failed within the warranty period will not be replaced :confused: They're hoping you'll go away.

Hi Dave

I used to be an insurance Claims Manager so I've spent many an hour in Courts over the years!!!! If dealer thinks I'll curl up and go away he's another think coming. Its not a lot of money but its the principle. Take £50k off you then ignore?
Update - failed Truma Regulator

Persistence has paid off. Its taken phone calls,visits and eventually threat of Small Claims Court, over 2 month period but today I received reimbursement of my outlays for replacing Truma Secumotion regulator when we were in Europe.
So if you are in similar position to me PERSIST!

Well done that man.
more of us should stand up
for our rights

I thought mine was broken when it kept tripping out as the heating was turned on. Spoke to an 'engineer' who told me I needed a new one. Being tight I fiddled around and eventually found out that my propane tank was contaminated with butane (dodgy French supermarket).

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