I'm on my second set from Taylormade and, like the first, they're excellent. I'm not sure about other makes but mine is in three separate sections, one for each door and one for the width of the windscreen. This makes them much easier to fit than one type that I saw, which was in two sections, one of which was very large and a struggle to put on.
Most can be folded down during the day to let some light in and the difference with the screens on is dramatic. If we don't bother putting them on I spend more time the next morning removing dripping condensation than I would have taken putting the screens on. I have a garage to put them in but, in my previous 'van, I put them in the toilet compartment and lifted them out when we wanted to use it. The bag that comes with them is like a long pillow.
My advice would be, go for it, and you'll notice a huge difference in the cab area in cold weather and no condensation the next morning.