Everyone should be aware of this....


How many of you are aware that disabled people are targeted and sanctioned by the government every day, having their benefits stopped while the workshy and scroungers seem to get away with it?

My wife has MS, can not walk for about 5 days out of 7, and making a cup of tea leaves her so exhausted that she needs to lie down for an hour afterwards.
Yet a private company, paid enormous amounts of money by the DWP, had un unqualified person compile a "report" (document full of lies) then use this to stop her recieving any benefits and telling her she has to go to work.

Read on...

Home - Justice For The Disabled

DWP Atos Healthcare Medical Services Contract

Dwp examination

100's protest across U.K against ESA/ATOS, etc.. - Benefits and Work Forum

Carer Watch.com

The first link is my own rant-site. The others are sites that have useful info on the subject.
Although I sympathise with your situation I think slagging of the system publicaly on your web site is not going to make any difference.

If Atos didn't carry out the process who do you suggest should? I am disabled but I work, my career moves are limited but they do exist. What does annoy me are those that can work but don't, even disabled that have the attitude 'I am disabled therefor i can't work' when they could work, and these 'medicals' are just one way to stop these scumbags.

Whoever carries out these reports/medicals/interviews or whatever you like to call them, they will always get some wrong, there will always be those shouting 'UNFAIR'.

If you or your wife feels the decision is wrong then appeal, get legal representation and fight your case.

If you have concrete evidence backing up the 'FACTS' on your site then you should show this otherwise you could be accused of making false claims and liable charges brought against you.

Just my personal opinion that many will not like.
How about the tests being carried out by a non-profit making organisation, who don't pay their staff huge bonuses for finding people fit for work?

The FACTS stated have come from 2 doctors who have resigned from Atos because their consciences couldn't stand what they were being asked to do.

And if we're talking of legal repercussions, it's slander not libel (libel is spoken, slander is written), and on that subject what of the SLANDER that Atos staff write on their reports? My wife's report contains statements that are provable as outright lies. We have the full backing of the CAB, a solicitor and 2 specialists my wife sees at the hospital.

Also, we are not talking about "getting some wrong" or the odd mistake. We are talking about the persistant deliberate manipulating of the reports, affecting thousands of people all over the country.

I'm talking about the people HIV charities have spoken of people who have stopped taking their medication, preferring to rely on the NHS to look after them than to throw themselves at the mercy of the DWP. About the man with no legs who was told "You dont have limited capability for work, you can do an office job". What does limited capability mean? That statement itself implies that the man in question is limited to office work - therefore limited capability.
And this is the real sticking point for me - ESA is not meant to be a benefit for those completely unable to work, but a benefit for those who want to work but need a little extra support or guidance - hence the term "Limited Capability".

For example, putting someone with severe depression on jobseekers Allowance, with the pressure that comes with it is guaranteed to make their condition worse. Yet this is what's happening to an enormous number of people.

We are appealing, and we do have legal representation.
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How about the tests being carried out by a non-profit making organisation, who don't pay their staff huge bonuses for finding people fit for work?

I don't believe it is that simple and Hearsay about how staff are paid doesn't help. The organisation be it a charity or not is employed to reduce the states bill for disability welfare, if that didn't happen then they wouldn't be doing their job. The fact is some people have their benefit stopped incorrectly and some scroungers will keep it, but that will always happen.

Unfortunately your wife appears to be one that had hers stopped incorrectly.

The FACTS stated have come from 2 doctors who have resigned from Atos because their consciences couldn't stand what they were being asked to do.

Is this not hearsay? disgruntled employees.

And if we're talking of legal repercussions, it's slander not libel (libel is spoken, slander is written), and on that subject what of the SLANDER that Atos staff write on their reports?

Forgetting the words being used, if you can prove it as being Libel then that will obviously help your case.

My wife's report contains statements that are provable as outright lies. We have the full backing of the CAB, a solicitor and 2 specialists my wife sees at the hospital.

I do hope you win your appeal, I really do.

Also, we are not talking about "getting some wrong" or the odd mistake. We are talking about the persistant deliberate manipulating of the reports, affecting thousands of people all over the country.

I'm talking about the people HIV charities have spoken of people who have stopped taking their medication, preferring to rely on the NHS to look after them than to throw themselves at the mercy of the DWP. About the man with no legs who was told "You dont have limited capability for work, you can do an office job". What does limited capability mean? That statement itself implies that the man in question is limited to office work - therefore limited capability.
And this is the real sticking point for me - ESA is not meant to be a benefit for those completely unable to work, but a benefit for those who want to work but need a little extra support or guidance - hence the term "Limited Capability".

For example, putting someone with severe depression on jobseekers Allowance, with the pressure that comes with it is guaranteed to make their condition worse. Yet this is what's happening to an enormous number of people.

We are appealing, and we do have legal representation.

Again you are highlighting the few, the minority. As with everything if it goes to plan then you don't hear about it, if something goes wrong then you do hear. If your wife had not had the problems with her benefits that she's encountered over this you would not have posted a 'atos-origin-do-their-job.webs.com' site praising atos would you?
I'm afraid it's not a minority at all, check the other sites linked to. The disability charities and carers organisations back this. The Citizens Advice beureau have openly condemned this, and i believed them to be an un-biased organisation.

The doctors resigned, they weren't sacked. Why would they be disgruntled?
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I do sympathise and I know you're not that rare a case. It happened to a friend of mine some years ago. In the end she had someone represent her at the appeal who understood the rules and the jargon and he would not let her speak as it is so easy to say the wrong thing.
In case anyone's thinking that she was on the take, let me say that the reason she lost her entitlement in the first place was that she said 'yes' when asked if she could walk 50yds. When she tried to add that she would then have to stay in bed for 3 days to recover she was not allowed to, only 'yes' or 'no' answers allowed.
It's one hell of a blunt instrument for delicate surgery.........
My wife is disabled - paraplegic, T6 if anyone cares - so no walking - ever. A mate of ours, double amputee above knee, keeps getting the dwp inspectors round just to check his 'condition hasnt improved' - what - his legs have grown back? - hes not a bloomin starfish!

My mrs cant do 9-5 - too tiring - but she works from home as a web designer, but she limits herself to xyz hours (I forget what) so she still gets the benefits.

There is talk of means testing healthcare - including the value of your house - so sell your own house to pay for your operation? What the hell is NI for?

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