Even more convinced that I don’t like campsites!


Full Member
On the odd occasion I am reluctantly forced to stay on a campsite (usually because SWMBO wants to do some washing). Tonight we are on the C & MC site in Edinburgh as our daughter lives in Stockbridge and this is a convenient place to stay when we visit her. As sites go this is ok but just a few pitches away is some k**b in a caravan with a 20ft pole adorned with flags. What is worse however is that the whole thing is wrapped from top to bottom in bright colour changing led lights, even at gone 11pm. What on earth possesses people to make such an exhibition of themselves? If I had my way these sort of flagpoles should be banned!
Flag poles are the grey water of the caravan world ,,,people justify as landmarks for kids to find there way home ...excuse ?probably Kids coming home at 11 pm irresponsible parenting

What on earth was a self respecting person doing out at 11.00pm to see such a thing, surely you should have been tucked up in bed, cocoa drunk and dreaming of things to come by then
I have to say, I’ve seen Thease Flag poles adorned with a coulerful array of Fish windsocks, Flags, Bunting & Lights & alike hanging off them that Flap in the wind. No problem to me though.
I would love to see one of Thease Proud owners to then complain or moan to someone who has a Wind-generator !.

Didn’t I see on one of the pictures of a WC Meet somewhere a MASSIVE WC FLAG blowing proudly in a breeze !
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On the odd occasion I am reluctantly forced to stay on a campsite (usually because SWMBO wants to do some washing). Tonight we are on the C & MC site in Edinburgh as our daughter lives in Stockbridge and this is a convenient place to stay when we visit her. As sites go this is ok but just a few pitches away is some k**b in a caravan with a 20ft pole adorned with flags. What is worse however is that the whole thing is wrapped from top to bottom in bright colour changing led lights, even at gone 11pm. What on earth possesses people to make such an exhibition of themselves? If I had my way these sort of flagpoles should be banned!

If you look around in Stockbridge there are a few parking spots to be had
And here was me thinking of taking a flag I have to next meet for a laugh lol

Personally they don’t bother me, I have been to lots of different types of club rallies for cars, bikes and trikes and flags and lights are the norm. What gets me is too much noise but on sites generally folks can’t burn donuts between vans in the early hours or have Lemmy banging out at full volume TIL 4a.m.

I have woken in lay-by and car park to a butty van or fridge wagon so unless you always manage to wild in complete isolation all stops can have negatives, guess I prefer to look at the bright side and let folks enjoy themselves 👍
Flags on flagpoles I can put up with (just)! What annoyed me was the light show accompanying it. I often sleep with the blinds open a chink at the top to let a bit of air in if the window is slightly open. Those lights were flickering away enough to have to fully close the blinds.
Flags on flagpoles I can put up with (just)! What annoyed me was the light show accompanying it. I often sleep with the blinds open a chink at the top to let a bit of air in if the window is slightly open. Those lights were flickering away enough to have to fully close the blinds.

Think of the fun you could have with a Paint ball gun or Air Pistol!
There was a spectacular one at Applewood, looked like Blackpool Tower except for one pole but was a programmed display of directions and colour (or maybe a random display), looked good I thought and certainly stood out but wasn’t,t left on all night.

I haven’t seen anything like that on a campsite yet and it’s a wonder the warders (opps, wardens) let them leave them on. I seem to wake easier most of the time as I get older and always have in ear headphones in when sleeping to reduce noise (even though hearing is going, figure that one out) and shut blinds.

Something wrong if the lights are stopping you sleeping when on a paid site though, maybe ask if they will turn them off at a certain time, no need for them all night long after all?
Noise of gun would pinpoint you though and pellets for leds? What you need is a 12 bore and be done haha

Good point,,,Although there’s some blinking good shots out there !...

But yeah Probably a big ask without the right Set up & Skill, So Shot gun it is then Set lol lol
Lol lol The phrase
Comes to mind !

(Oh what movie was that from ?)

Now that one has stumped me.

I've tried googling it, but all I get in the results are hundreds of 'Now that's what I call music' albums!
Bets it’s a misquote Rob, NZ’s brain will be addled by lack of food after not eating for 20 minutes :raofl:

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