Er! Wild camping


Hi. New member here. We've read a number of posts on the forum, & whilst some do mention out of the way places, the trend seems to be car-parks/lay-by's. We've never "Wild Camped" before, and would probably enjoy it, to paying silly prices on overcrowded sites/CLs. But we weren't considering car parks etc as an attractive alternative, nor a safe one.
Scotland used to be the bee's-knees for camping anywhere, but that has all changed, now that pop/movie stars? have bought up the land, or does the forum know better?
Sorry for the down-beat, but having found this site, we were hoping for some possitive guidance. We hope you guys/gals can put us straight on the realities of wild camping, as we seemed to have had a romantic/rosy view of it. We are hoping to be proved wrong, and have some good advice offered. On our away days/weeks we tend to go north, Cumbria, North Yorkshire, Lakes, & of course Scotland.

Kind Regards


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