english radio in france and spain


any sugestions without having to have a short wave radio we only got fm.and am
i think fm stands for foriegn muck and am stands for anything american

germany is ok as there is a few british forces radio stations
English radio in France and Spain

You should be able to recieve radio through digital tv or satellite set box if you have one,certainly a worthy investment can't go anywhere without one.Getting a dab hand at setting the dish up now,Andy.;)

Hi guy's you can also stream radio by laptop
if you can connect (windows media)
cheers chaps but i got sky from denmark to south spain and wifi but i was looking for something i can get on the car radio whilst i am traveling
you know an ordenary car radio

also i am trying to get sky through the laptop and dump the tv i have had a few ideas given me but they all differ
but still looking for more info if you are in the know
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i was looking for something i can get on the car radio

I fitted a new car radio last year for the crushing price of €60. It plays MP3 files off CD, SD card, or USB thumb drive.

Now, when I have WiFi access, I download podcasts from the BBC and lots of other sources and put them on a little SD card. When I drive I have interference free radio that always has programming I like. With RSS feeds, it is easy to automate the download process.

The really convenient feature is that it remembers where it was in the programme, so it continues from where it left off when you get back in the driver's seat.

I have also recorded hours and hours of satellite radio music stations onto CDs so I can listen to jazz or classical or pop according to my mood. Each CD holds about 12 hours of music in MP3 format.

This radio has a remote control as well, so I can control it from the back of the van when parked.

These new radios are brilliant and a snip.

Afraid not, you might pick up BBC if you're on the North coast but otherwise its sky, the good news is the music is about 70% in English, if you're bringing a laptop then download BBCi player before you come as you cann't download it through a French server.
don't know about in france, but in spain iplayer won't work (something to do with not having the rights to broadcast here)
as for the radio there are english speaking stations on the costas you will need to do a scan for them unless anyone else knows the frequencies
ps where in southernn spain are you heading?
It's not always convenient to set up the satellite dish if, like us, you have to aim it manually, and definitely not while you're moving. Anyway if you're setting up the dish for radio then you might just as well have the television on. However, there is a long forgotten waveband - Long Wave. If you have a LW radio then you can get BBC Radio Four as far south as the Algarve. If it's too much of an expense to buy a car radio with Long Wave and just for Long Wave- and the BBC have made noises in the past about ceasing the LW transmissions - then you might be able to pick up a cheap transistor set maybe at a car boot sale or somewhere.

There is a trick the knowledgeable might be able to explain - though I can't. If you clip a wire, a crocodile clip, to the aerial and let the other end rest on the ground,then that seems to make the aerial more efficient. Like I say acceptable LW reception as far south as the Algarve and maybe all over Europe and North Africa for all I know.

Not much good while you're moving but while you're stationary, fine.

have no problem getting sky anywhere in europe but would like to hear english radio whilst on the move
i supose ile have to rely on the cd and listen to the quo and all my heavy metal cds although i would prefer to hear some chat in between the tracks other than the wife
Get one of the cheapy satellite receivers that Maplin, Aldi, Lidl, Netto or Towsure do every so often - usually £60 to £80 CLICKY LINKY

job done

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