England on the P***


Full Member
i've just gone onto google earth and England is laying flat out, its gone all horizontal, i know we've had some nice weather and we've all been hitting the booze but this is mad, how do i get it back up?
As I remember there are some things you can drag to alter the elevation. Try draging around some bars and drag on the map/image. I haven't used it for a while though. I pefer Google Maps... that's always on the level :D
It's all ok on my Google Earth. Have you put your little yellow man on a road (marked with blue lines) to get the 3D "street view", or has he staggered on to an off-road area like a garden or field, so you only get a flat "ground level" view? :)
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Has your wildcamping website gone all flat too?... if so it means you've knocked your monitor over....... :):)
Blame the Tories and that prat we have as a Prime Bleeding Minister now. But could be something to do with all the Greeks trying to get onto the island at the bottom right hand corner, (Dover way) before they close the door.:lol-053:
Blame the Tories and that prat we have as a Prime Bleeding Minister now. But could be something to do with all the Greeks trying to get onto the island at the bottom right hand corner, (Dover way) before they close the door.:lol-053:

If you're right,then it wouldn't be flat 'cause if all the weight is added to the SE corner, surely the NW corner will rise.

Now surely we all know the Earth is FLAT, has been for centuries, we all know friends who've gone of, never to be seen again, well obviously, they fell off the edge!!

( and it's not round either!!, it's a oblate spheroid)
i've just gone onto google earth and England is laying flat out, its gone all horizontal, i know we've had some nice weather and we've all been hitting the booze but this is mad, how do i get it back up?


You've tilted the map by using the up arrow on the top right 'look around' control.

Go the View menu, click Reset, then click Tilt - all should go back to normal :)


i've just gone onto google earth and England is laying flat out, its gone all horizontal, i know we've had some nice weather and we've all been hitting the booze but this is mad, how do i get it back up?

Perhaps if you get up off the floor it would help. pmsl.
QUOTE=MORGANTHEMOON;194506]Perhaps if you get up off the floor it would help. pmsl.[/QUOTE]

i've just gone onto google earth and England is laying flat out, its gone all horizontal, i know we've had some nice weather and we've all been hitting the booze but this is mad, how do i get it back up?
Easy a classic example of
A map suffering from brewers droop...or cartography horizontalis..for the Latin name...

Go into the route planner and design a route to go via grassington in north yorks.

Hit via pause on gra ...hit return and you've give it a cyber dose of ,via gra
Back in action before you can make a cup of tea.


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