electrolux RM6401L fridge thermocouple wanted


the thermocouple on my fridge seems to have failed ; it seems to be 1400mm long , and I think the part number is GR10018

I found one listed [ at a price ] at a site called 4ourhouse , but they won't deliver to me in france

anyone know of a source ?
well they do a universal thermocouple in b and q so maybe m. bricolage may have one.as they do exist local heating boys might be worth asking
We had a dead fridge in france and finding places for parts and repairs was hopless, unlike uk they dont seem to have camping shops or is it just me. sorry not much help but I think there are a coulpe of full timers in France that are members or there useed to be not been on here for a while
We had a dead fridge in france and finding places for parts and repairs was hopless, unlike uk they dont seem to have camping shops or is it just me. sorry not much help but I think there are a coulpe of full timers in France that are members or there useed to be not been on here for a while
I would disagree on no Camping Shops in France , we found several on our travels , they were very well stocked and prices were very good too. depends where in France you were I suppose. I agree that there is a universal Thermo Couple available, the trick is to find one.
I would disagree on no Camping Shops in France , we found several on our travels , they were very well stocked and prices were very good too. depends where in France you were I suppose. I agree that there is a universal Thermo Couple available, the trick is to find one.

there are indeed a lot of agents in france ; however I live in the back of beyond where there are few people and no agents at all !

hence my attempts at getting mail order from uk ; frankly all these parts are at rip off prices wherever you look

am intrigued by the idea of a universal part from B?Q , do they really sell gas fridges ...and are the connectors all the same ?

since posting , have found a company in nottingham called BJ leisure who advertise on EBAY , price reasonable [ by motorhome standards !] , delivery worldwide at non crazy prices

incidentally £16 cheaper than the company who wouldn't deliver !
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Any thermocouple will do the job, as long as it is long enough and the thread at the gas valve is the same. You can hold the tip in place with a screw if need be as the worst thing that can happen is that it falls out, in which case it will do it's job and shut the gas off.:scared:

On mine I used a 900mm Universal thermocouple that fitted at both ends, which in your case may not be long enough. You can get a 1200mm one which may be ok, or a 900mm extension. You should be able to get them at heating suppliers (not expensive).
partmaster do them and will deliver to france dont know what you have been quote but they do have them

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