Ehu cable


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I Have been using an orange coloured EHU cable which came with my Moho last year. It is a nightmare to unfurl or coil back in. I notice some other people on a campsite at the weekend had a yellow coloured wire which seemed to coil much better then ours. Is there a better grade than the standard organs cable which comes with motorhomes?
Yes, it's called arctic cable.
It stays flexible when others don't!

I use an orange cable but I have sailed for many years and have trained my cable to coil tidily. It did take many years to get it right though.
I coil my 20+ metre orange cable around an empty 15kg plastic mig wire spool, good and free solution to keeping cable tidy and ease of storage.

Good idea :dance:

This is the official version Cable Tidy.jpg CABLE TIDY REEL hook up lead holder CARAVAN boat MOTORHOME camping | eBay


Artic cable is blue.
Daisy mini has the nightmare stuff, I have the easy coil wire but they are both orange just mine is a more flexible, years ago we had one that was slightly ribbed along it’s lengh that made it easy to coil and stopped it getting tangled that too was orange must be just different grades.
I thought the yellow cable was 110v and used on construction sites via transformers etc.

Blue is 240v / 32amp cable and Orange is 240v / 16amp cable.
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i have a long cable with a 240v 3 pin socket on either end and i add a short 12v adaptor kit to one end of it - it another short length of cable with a 240v socket on one end and a 12v on the other. In a massive french DIY store I also bought another adaptor - containing a french socket plug. so i removed my UK adaptor cable and replaced it with the french one. So i can use the same long cable for both home and vanning useage.
Any cable is made by twisting the inner cores together, so when you gather in your cable, with both ends unplugged, roll it between your fingers so the loop forms naturally in your gathering hand. when this is not done over the years the inner cores get forced into un-natural twists and your cable becomes knotted, you often see it on lawnmowers and hoovers because one end is tethered to the lawn mower and rolled up from the plug the twisted cable cannot spin the lawnmower over so the cores twist. once this has happened it cannot be undone.
Not all the orange leads are the same it seems, we have just had to buy one and a lot of the ones on the market are not 16amp and use a lighter weight cable. Lighter weight cable will reel up easier than heavier weight cable so it could be that.
I have a big long orange one :scared: but only use it at home in dark winter mths to keep batterys toped off,never have i taken it away with me as van is set up for WILDING.:blah:
I just posted above and corrected, but strange that my blue cable is thinner than the orange

My post was the simplified version as i didn`t want to go into too much detail when i posted it using my phone and sat in the car on Morrisons car park :rolleyes2:

I use the Orange 16amp, 3 x 2.5mm for both ( 10m and a 25m ) EHU cables :hammer:

Admittedly they can be a bugger to coil back up again especially when it`s cold but i`ll put up with that for their heavy duty construction.
I have a big long orange one :scared: but only use it at home in dark winter mths to keep batterys toped off,never have i taken it away with me as van is set up for WILDING.:blah:

Don`t you be getting that out on here, you dirty boy :scared: :lol-049:
Here is my take on this subject, if you wind the cable of the drum by hand i.e a couple of coils at a time then you inadvertently build a twist into the cable, like wise if you load the cable onto the drum the same thing happens. If the drum is able to rotate i.e it is on a stand, just pulling the cable off the drum will help avoid the twist, conversly reloading the drum by rotating it and pulling the cable onto it will also help prevent the twists. UV also eventually degrades the insulation and makes it stiffer thus making it harder to coil up.
I roll mine from the centre I unplug and start in the middle and wind round thumb and elbow flicking it so it does not get twisted then I lay that coil on the floor and pick up the centre again and wind out to the other plug in then lay that loop on the other then hang on a heavy duty hook in the MH garage I have to do it like that as one it stops it twisting and too my arm isn’t big enough to do the cable in one go. 😉
Eight quid :scared: mine is free, in fact, if anyone local wants one FOC, I have a constant supply available. Obviously if local to me.

FOC from a Scotsman :scared: Set up a stall at the next meet :idea: £5 a time you`ll make a fortune :dance:

My commission can be a pint next time i see you in the pub :cheers:

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