Duff Weather Forecast.


Full Member
We were warned to expect heavy rain and high winds in our area this weekend especially today [ Sunday ] well it didn't happen here in the Sunny South, { Southampton ] we have light rain and light winds , not the Gales we were told to expect, hope it is as good where you are.
met office forecast the worst of it for the west midlands

Weather pretty bad in South Wales.
I'm on call this weekend and my phone has'nt stopped.
Got trees down all over the place. Lost electricity in some areas and heavy rain.
well the rain and wind is here for us we were going to do our first bit of wild camping but decided against it till we have better weather :(
We were warned to expect heavy rain and high winds in our area this weekend especially today [ Sunday ] well it didn't happen here in the Sunny South, { Southampton ] we have light rain and light winds , not the Gales we were told to expect, hope it is as good where you are.

Give it time my friend !! :danger::lol-049:
Just got back from Skegness, what a weekend. Saturday showers & light wind. Saturday 8pm onwards, heavy rain continuosly with high winds, thought we were goiing to take off during the night then sail home.
Left Skeggy at 8am as it was still bad & no change all the way back to Norfolk.

We had parked up on an industrial area by a large building to cut out some of the wind force.

Who was daft enough to stay at Huttoft? :lol-053:
it's quite miserable here in Stoke! Wind is bad, the rain could be worse but it's here :mad2: Hope it clears up for next weekend!
high winds and heavy rain here in north lincolnshire all night and day it has been relentless but give better day tomorrow
Just driven home over the Cat and Fiddle - that was fun with strong winds!!!
Duff Weather Forecast

Bit windy on Gower,dry at the moment but it was very wet during the night and this morning,got soaked through when walking the dogs earlier on.Roll on SPRING,cos SUMMER seems a long way off!!!!:wacko:
its very wet and a bit windy in huddersfield, had a bit of wintery stuff earlyer, very cold. got buggerall done on motorhome today, not happy.
Been p*ssing down in Camborne and blowing a gale; gradually improving, but glad we didn't go out in the MH this weekend!!
It's poured down most of the day here in Portsmouth and one of the downpipes from the gutter got clogged up. I got the ladder out and unblocked in the rain and 5 minutes later it dried up:cry: Still off to Majorca on Tuesday so I don't care the forecast is 25 and sunny.
windy miller

we are sick of the wind today we have 42fence panels
well yesterday we had we lost 3 this morning
last count 8 gone
and the wind still blows here in owdham
Well sorry to miff you all off but this is what the weather is like today here in northwest Scotland :lol-049::lol-049: Piccies 2012 078.jpgPiccies 2012 077.jpg

I'll bring it with me when I come back to England next month!
Rubbertramp is correct ! "Weather is here, wish you were beautiful". Wester Ross & Sutherland is clear sky & sun (a wee bit cold perhaps). Tonight in Tongue car park.

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