Don't look a gift horse in the mouth or what.


Full Member
Asking £25k for our Rimor Katamarano, currently on ebay and bidding is up to £17500. Someone has bombarded me with questions about and just sent this:

Your price seems very low i would like it at that price but its to good to be true.
Is there any thing wrong with it
autotrader price would be about 34k ish


I told him if he wants to give me £30k for the motor home, I will leave him a pack of Gypsy Creams and a can of Tennants Super Strength if it makes him feel any better about the price.

Why are people so suspicious all the time?
Use a girlie voice on the phone and giggle often,then they will think there getting a bargain from a dopey blond.
Good luck Young 'un.
It must be disconcerting when a would- be punter wants to haggle the price UP.
The customer is always right?
Because there is that many scams on Fleabay all the time, haven't checked for a while, but when we used to look there was always at least half a dozen 'too good to be true', in fact daughter nearly fell for one. Like the saying goes, if it sound too good to be true...Can't blame folks for being cautious with 25 grand.
For a minute Ral thought you were giving up motorhoming till I saw you had two 😁
Asking £25k for our Rimor Katamarano, currently on ebay and bidding is up to £17500. Someone has bombarded me with questions about and just sent this:

Your price seems very low i would like it at that price but its to good to be true.
Is there any thing wrong with it
autotrader price would be about 34k ish


I told him if he wants to give me £30k for the motor home, I will leave him a pack of Gypsy Creams and a can of Tennants Super Strength if it makes him feel any better about the price.

Why are people so suspicious all the time?

It`s YOU :scared: that everyone is suspicious of :lol-049::lol-049:
Use a girlie voice on the phone and giggle often,then they will think there getting a bargain from a dopey blond.

Oi you Trevskoda you wouldn't catch me doing that!! I'd say if you want it come and buy it!!! :mad2::lol-061:
Are you sure about that Sue, sounds a bit cheap to me, bet its a scam. ;):lol-053:

Oi you, I am honest as the day is short, as trusty as a fox in a chicken coop and as saintly as Beelzebub, how very dare you besmirch my tainted name.:mad2::ninja:
Haven't you got anything better to do at this time of the morning?
I'm supposed to be shopping, while Management is languishing in the beauty parlour for the next couple of hours..
Top to toe job.
I probably won't recognise her,when she gets out.
I probably won't recognise her,when she gets out.[/QUOTE]

Maybe thats what she is hoping for.

Rimor now sold to one of our esteemed members.

So the rest of you missed out big time.:p:p:p:p

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