Does anyone wear Crocs?


I know the feeling Graham,
My other half swears by it. Finally I had to try them also. To my astonishment
they where comfortable in wearing !:confused: But I hate the colours and the holes on top (although they hide my ugly toes ;)) and... look at that old sod weari!ng Crocs ! :eek::cool:;) So, I will only wear them when it is really dark ;):D
I tried on a pair in Aldi and Christine got so embarrassed and disowned me:eek::p, whats the matter with stripey knee length socks:eek::D:cool:
I tried on a pair in Aldi and Christine got so embarrassed and disowned me:eek::p, whats the matter with stripey knee length socks:eek::D:cool:
I sympathise with you Lenny ( stripey knee socks come in handy hiding ugly knees ...:confused:) LOL :D
I bought a pair for me and my illusive other half from T.J hughes, mine were £5 hers £4 and I wear them on site all the tme. For paddling along the beaches they are great and I think they are just the BIZZ mine are dark green hers flourescent pink:eek: BUT don't wear them with socks as that is very uncool. and as you all know I am COOLNESS personified:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:;)
crocks ?????? eh er ar not too shure are they crocodile skin shoes :eek::confused::confused: may be i am missing something here?:eek::eek: or are they some kind of sandel
crocks ?????? eh er ar not too shure are they crocodile skin shoes :eek::confused::confused: may be i am missing something here?:eek::eek: or are they some kind of sandel
No no Mandrake, not crocodile shoes (on what planet you live - must be the same as mine :D:p)
They look as elegant as wooden shoes, but are made in a rubberish plastic.
There are holes in the top and other places and they come in nice colors as fluoriscent green or red, yellow and blue. For old sods (like me) they come in black too. They are very comfortable but really ugly :eek:
Originals are made by Croc (chinese ?) and expensive, now Aldi selles simulars at discount prices. You cannot see the difference in uglynes :cool::D
oh i get it now duhhh now what you all on about, must be a bit of old age creeping in :D but once upon a time i had some croc skin shoes :eek::eek: oh well i thought they were good :eek::eek:
thanks the old beddy is a bit of an old crock :eek::D:D the wife s getting there aswell (I AM A DEAD MAN FOR THAT ) i trust you not to say anything :eek::eek::D:D
ah well a man can only die once its just the way you die :eek::eek: i will worry if she gets piranhas in the fish pond :eek: and asks me if i fancy feeding the fish. ps just thought she is sicilian oo eck
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crocks ?????? eh er ar not too shure are they crocodile skin shoes :eek::confused::confused: may be i am missing something here?:eek::eek: or are they some kind of sandel

barnsley market have only just started selling flairs and platform shoes be along time before they get crocs ?:eek: :D
dingbats !

speaking as a lancastrian i can understand that the "yorkists" are a few decades behind the rest of us ! it must be something to do withe pennines,(god bless em) they cant stand heights or long journeys in case they cant find their way home.(massive sales of string in barnsley market) use your imagination. by the way, i must be a confirmed wrinkly because my crocs are black ! now there's a new can of worms opened !!! oh dear.......
Do NOT believe in cruelty to crocs..or any other living creature??!! Hey, but THEY would eat US, yeah?!! :D
Crocs live in water so maybe it goes to follow that croc shoes would suit the British climate....??? :rolleyes::eek:
Well, I have yet to find out ....but still thinking about a swimming etc but wet FEET in wet normal!! Definitely something to consider for ME anyways!! :D
speaking as a lancastrian i can understand that the "yorkists" are a few decades behind the rest of us ! it must be something to do withe pennines,(god bless em) they cant stand heights or long journeys in case they cant find their way home.(massive sales of string in barnsley market) use your imagination. by the way, i must be a confirmed wrinkly because my crocs are black ! now there's a new can of worms opened !!! oh dear.......

now then my freind as for the penines . do you realy understand the reason that god put them there well here goes when he made yorkshire first i may add!!! he realised that he would have to build somethind to keep the bits he had left over i think he called lancashire ??:D from contaminating gods own paradise our fair yorkshire as you will more than likely know the pennines are steeper that side than our side a lot harder to get from your side to ours also it rains quite a bit more ower theer than ower eer so just in case you lot make it to t top it will wash you all back also the reason they still sell flares ower eer is so we can go to fancy dress parties dressed as lancashire lads and lasses :eek::D ps my crocs wer black too you must have copied my good yorky :D:D:D:D taste ....
pennines !

they are steeper on our side because after climbing up the slope on your side it took so long that the reason for the journey was forgotten ! so they hurled themselves over the steep bit in sheer desperation ! you are not much good a cricket either,mr truman for instance has difficulty mastering the english language, grunts will suffice !
they are steeper on our side because after climbing up the slope on your side it took so long that the reason for the journey was forgotten ! so they hurled themselves over the steep bit in sheer desperation ! you are not much good a cricket either,mr truman for instance has difficulty mastering the english language, grunts will suffice !

as for our mr truman he only used to grunt when playing against lancashire and usualy won :D as that is the local dialect ower theer now as for cricket i see some lancashire inhabitant can tell the truth i take of my cap to you (that was also invented by a yorkshire man and look how famous that has become world wide )for telling the truth also the pennines are bigger our side thats why we and only we hold the record as having the highest motor way in the uk as for the people that through there selves over the edge it must be because the sight ower theer was such a frightening experience they felt they could not live any more :D:D:D...

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