Do you carry a spare Gas Regulator

Do you carry a spare regulator

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • No

    Votes: 24 58.5%

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Had a look at the gas system today and apart from tightening up the straps on the bottles and a couple of nuts I was wondering if it's worth the expense of getting a spare regulator. Not cheap at £90 as ours is one with the automatic cut off in event of an accident. Both the pigtails lead up from the tank to the regulator. Not really room to fit a filter.
After reading of so many failing, and our van reaching 8 years old I bought a spare before we set of for Spain last month.
Better safe than sorry
We had our original changed for a securemotion one, and carry the original as a spare.
No I don’t, & to be fair it hasn’t occurred to me to do so, I think it’s probably a good thing to add to the Spares box though as it’s an easy fix if the one being used fails.

Luckily I don’t really use gas though.
Yes, got a spare one and carrying it in the van should guarantee the original never fails - oops praps shouldn't have said that.
There's something to be said for the standard pre 200? system, ie the appropriate regulator on the
bottle then flexible low pressure pipes to a manual changeover tap. When the bottle is empty flip the
tap lever to the full bottle....simple. Only complicated when an automatic switchover (usually inaccurate)
was used, and this would show a bottle as empty when in fact it often wasn't.
Probably contravenes gas install. regulation xyz 321 part B or somesuch to revert to the pre 200?
superseded standard?
bottle top regs are the way. mind they do seem to last over 30yrs not like these modern bulk head ones .
always have a spare one .
forget all the modern crap just have old fashioned but work regulators .
When mine failed in France I had no problem purchasing a replacement with in a few hrs.
My Regulator Failed................

..........on the first day of the holiday I'm currently enjoying in the Netherlands. Wild camping is forbidden here and camp sites include electricity in the site cost so this time I've been lucky. My regulator is pop riveted in so would be awkward to change here. I'll be changing it in the UK later this week and, once I'm happy with the new (non riveted) arrangement, WILL be carrying a spare!
Details on Motorhomer with lots of helpful input from experts under the 'Colin Needs Expert Help......." thread.

Colin 😊😊😊
bottle top regs are the way. mind they do seem to last over 30yrs not like these modern bulk head ones .
always have a spare one .
forget all the modern crap just have old fashioned but work regulators .

Are the old 37mb bottle-top regulators still readily available. If, but have never had to in 9 years, change bottles from our Gaslow re-fillable to the Calor back-up we just have to disconnect the regulator and pipe and re-attach to spare bottle.


..........on the first day of the holiday I'm currently enjoying in the Netherlands. Wild camping is forbidden here and camp sites include electricity in the site cost so this time I've been lucky. My regulator is pop riveted in so would be awkward to change here. I'll be changing it in the UK later this week and, once I'm happy with the new (non riveted) arrangement, WILL be carrying a spare!
Details on Motorhomer with lots of helpful input from experts under the 'Colin Needs Expert Help......." thread.

Colin 😊😊😊's not over on Motorhomer!
It's right here on Wild Camping.

I'm beginning to worry about me.

Colin 😊😊😊
Are the old 37mb bottle-top regulators still readily available. If, but have never had to in 9 years, change bottles from our Gaslow re-fillable to the Calor back-up we just have to disconnect the regulator and pipe and re-attach to spare bottle.


as far as i know yes . mind havnt bought one for ages . have spares . mind alot of the time i,m using butane as i use moroccan bottles ,spanish with an adaptor and if only going to france a spanish biottle . i do carry a 19kg flogas as a spsre back up bottle but my cepsa spanish etc are all butane .
certainly in spain and morocco its cheaper to exchange bottles than use auto gas.
i do have regs that are bottle top that you can adjust either for butane or propane as well. but use the old butane fitting.
Reca 37 mbar Low Pressure Propane Gas Regulator | Buy now from
hamiltons have 37mb ones here.
i bought the adjustable butane /propane ones in morocco. years ago.
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Are the old 37mb bottle-top regulators still readily available. If, but have never had to in 9 years, change bottles from our Gaslow re-fillable to the Calor back-up we just have to disconnect the regulator and pipe and re-attach to spare bottle.


All vans post 2004 are 'jetted' for 30 mb regulators...these are available in red!! (identical, but not to be confused with the 37 mb version).
All vans post 2004 are 'jetted' for 30 mb regulators...these are available in red!! (identical, but not to be confused with the 37 mb version).

Only caravans and motorhomes use 30 mbar regulators , Statics etc are still on 28 mbar for butane 37 mbar for propane jetting covers both, I have never seen any appliance specifically set for a 30 mbar regulator considering tolerances and the reasoning behind 30 mbar as a standard I would be interested to hear of an appliance specifically jetted at 30 mbar

Only caravans and motorhomes use 30 mbar regulators , Statics etc are still on 28 mbar for butane 37 mbar for propane jetting covers both, I have never seen any appliance specifically set for a 30 mbar regulator considering tolerances and the reasoning behind 30 mbar as a standard I would be interested to hear of an appliance specifically jetted at 30 mbar


doesnt the 30mb really come from the german standards . they used 30mb and 50 mb .
i know we have been looking around for my mate for a new cooker and all the lpg ones we have looked at have a sticker on saying 28mb butane 37mb propane . spent most of yesterday looking at cookers and furniture stores . soon be new purple bob travels on the road.
doesnt the 30mb really come from the german standards . they used 30mb and 50 mb .
i know we have been looking around for my mate for a new cooker and all the lpg ones we have looked at have a sticker on saying 28mb butane 37mb propane . spent most of yesterday looking at cookers and furniture stores . soon be new purple bob travels on the road.

BS EN 12864 and BS EN 138786 (LAV) is the current standard Alan,

The 30 mbar standard was a clumsy way of accommodating Butane and Propane it is a pressure which covers the foot print of both tolerances i.e plus or minus 5 millbar (so a 28/37 jetted appliance should work fine and be within the limits))

As regards jetting as you have found 28/37 quoted on appliances which fits in within tolerance of a 28 /37 mbar reg which is why I asked if anyone can provide info of a specific 30 mbar jetted appliance I have never seen one

Italy it is still common to find variable regulators a tale for another day

BS EN 12864 and BS EN 138786 (LAV) is the current standard Alan,

The 30 mbar standard was a clumsy way of accommodating Butane and Propane it is a pressure which covers the foot print of both tolerances i.e plus or minus 5 millbar (so a 28/37 jetted appliance should work fine and be within the limits))

As regards jetting as you have found 28/37 quoted on appliances which fits in within tolerance of a 28 /37 mbar reg which is why I asked if anyone can provide info of a specific 30 mbar jetted appliance I have never seen one

Italy it is still common to find variable regulators a tale for another day


i know we had to watch when importing some of the campers years ago some were 30mb some 50 mb .
luckily regs could be sent if need be .
go on tell the tale . i use one of the variable regs on a fire here at home . never know if i,m going to use butane or propane . might even be its a mix of either . have a bottle that gets either tipped in as and when.
An amusing quirk of the system Alan, The permissible deviations allowed under the same EN s as listed above on Statics is different. rather than 5 mbar each way the accepted standard for butane is + 6 and Propane + 8 remembering we are now on 28 / 37 ... So on butane max is 34 and Propane 45 mbar ,,,,yet Luigi on his jollies cranks the regulator up to 50 and doesn't understand why he has a furnace !!. especially on butane ...we used to try and seal them but rarely worked !

I need a lie down now thanks lol


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