Disabled badge and toll roads in Europe


Hi All,

Just a general question on toll roads across Europe through France, Italy and Spain. I get free access to toll bridges etc in England using my disabled badge but what discounts can be expected on European toll roads etc?

Many thanks

Hi All,

Just a general question on toll roads across Europe through France, Italy and Spain. I get free access to toll bridges etc in England using my disabled badge but what discounts can be expected on European toll roads etc?

Many thanks


They don't give toll discounts for disabled in France. :mad:
You're in class 2 under 3,5 tons, under 3m height (if more than 3m: class 3= truck; nearly double in price !).:eek:
By the way: if you are not in a hurry - avoid the 'péages'.You can get really duff on the monotenous french motorways, lay-bays are not that safe. Take the N-roads:more relaxed driving, free of charge, cheaper petrol stations, stop where you want. You can have a nice meal with the money spared.:D
In Spain and Italy the same.
Bon voyage :)
Many thanks for your advice I shall keep it in mind on my future travels!
They don't give toll discounts for disabled in France. :mad:
You're in class 2 under 3,5 tons, under 3m height (if more than 3m: class 3= truck; nearly double in price !).:eek:
By the way: if you are not in a hurry - avoid the 'péages'.You can get really duff on the monotenous french motorways, lay-bays are not that safe. Take the N-roads:more relaxed driving, free of charge, cheaper petrol stations, stop where you want. You can have a nice meal with the money spared.:D
In Spain and Italy the same.
Bon voyage :)

Hi Belgian,

That's not quite true, some autoroutes will give a reduction on producing your blue badge. Been there done that and got the discount.

Safe travelling.

Hi All,

Just a general question on toll roads across Europe through France, Italy and Spain. I get free access to toll bridges etc in England using my disabled badge but what discounts can be expected on European toll roads etc?

Many thanks


Hi Rob,

For blue badge concession in Europe see http://www.iam.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/06A00F0F-4B8B-4C15-87A2-02469419336D/0/blue_badge_abroad.pdf

I know there are concessions on some of the Autoroutes in France but I've never come across them in other countries.

I hope that helps.


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